Releases: daih27/psychphinder
Releases · daih27/psychphinder
- Added tons of customization to the image creator. This are the new options:
- Choose the colors for all the elements on the wallpaper.
- Use an optional gradient in the background
- Choose between 4 (for now) images to put on the background. You can select more than one.
- Create profiles to save your favorite customizations.
- Added two predefined Christmas profiles. Share the Christmas love with Psych!
- The image creator is now accessible at the bottom left of the screen when viewing a quote.
- Show the "What's new" screen as an optional button on the main screen. It'll disappear once you tap on "See what's new".
- Fixed the "What's new" screen not showing on the web browser.
Note: The fist bump image was retrieved from here. All credits are to them.
- Completed all the references from season 8.
- Added a "link" button in the Share dialog. Now you can share a link to a specific quote form the show. Also, you can open the links inside the app (Android only). If the app doesn't open the link automatically, you can activate this manually by going to App info > Open by default > Add link.
- Now when using the app in a web browser, each part of the app has a different link, so you can save it to favorites, share it, etc, and it'll mantain the position of wherever you were in that moment.
- Now searching with the "&" symbol should show results containing both "&" and "and".
- Fixed a huge bug where the app was crashing if the input text when searching contained some non-common symbols, contained two or more continuous whitespaces, or a whitespace at the beginning or at the end.
- Fixed a possible overflow in the welcome page.
- Removed the bottom text in the references page.
- Completed all the references from season 7.
- Reworked the function to create a wallpaper. Now you can choose the desired resolution.
- Removed the progress percentage in the references tab.
- Released psychphinder as a web app! Check it out!
- Added a "Did you know?" section when starting the app. Feel free to suggest some interesting facts about Psych!
- Completed all the references from season 6.
- Changed the References tab icon.
- Fixed scrolling effect when tapping on a reference that's near the end of an episode.
- Removed the old method for restoring favorites.
- New feature! Now when you open the app, you can view a random quote (that has a reference). If you tap on the reference you can see the whole episode, share it, save it to favorites and create a wallpaper from it!.
- Added a "What's new" screen when the app updates, showing in it the latest and past changes.
- Completed all the references from season 5.
- Fixed some icons using the white color when using the light theme.
- New feature! Added video links to references from season 1 to season 5! Check out for example Topher Grace running on the beach at the of In Good Company in season 4, episode 16. There are plenty more!
- Added references for S05E01-E04.
- Now you can search with contractions. For example, using "don't" should show you results containing both "don't" and "do not".
- Added a github button in settings.
- Now if you search for numbers it will show you all the similar results. For example, searching for "400" will show you lines containing both "400" and "four hundred". The same works if you search, for example, "four hundred" instead of "400".
- Added almost all the references from season 4.
- Fixed wrong lines in S04E01
- Added around 200 references from the first three seasons and episodes 1 and 2 from season 4.
- Added a sorting option in the references list.
- The words you searched for are now highlighted in the results.
- Improved the search precision. You should find results easier than before.
- Added a loading indicator after starting a search.
- Show reference explanation as a subtitle instead of inside a parenthesis.
- Now you won't lose your search results when switching pages.
- Search options are now hidden by default.
- Added episode number when entering an episode in the references list.
- Added almost all references from season 3.
- Added some missing references from S01E03, S02E03 and S02E07.
- Changed the look from the bottom navigation bar.
- You can now swipe through the different pages.
- Fixed searching on the internet when a reference has an "&".
- Improved the backup and restore system. Now it should be more reliable.