- Pull the repository, run
truffle develop
function addTokenFunds(address token, uint256 amount) public;
- For adding tokens, it uses approveAndCall for the tokens that are being transferred
function receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address _tokenContract, bytes _extraData) public;
- Supports the approveAndCall method of token transfers above.
function changeOracle(address _oracle) public;
- Added so that the oracle can be changed by the owner
function addManagedToken(address token) public;
- Allows the owner to keep track of tokens managed by the contract
- EURToken should have be the contract of the EURToken hardcoded (currently a placeholder) and is the default payment method
- Ether is not added a base payment although it could probably be assumed.
- I did not get to finish all the test cases that I would have liked.
- For the escapehatch() function, the funds could be transferred to another contract that would then hold the funds until the this contract is re-enabled.
- Add a function back to re-enable contract (and start the transfer back if in another contract)
- Add a function to remove a managedToken (which would involve adjusting allocations for all employees)