You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 2
The purpose of this assignment is to learn about Javascript's prototypal inheritance mechanism. The focus will be on using inheritance in client-side code that interacts with the document object model (DOM).
Create folder ~/322/proto to hold the results of your work on this assignment. When you are finished with this assignment, this folder should contain the following file.
Read Prototypal inheritance and Understanding JavaScript Prototypes.
Study the following code.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Screen Constructor</title>
#login-screen, #menu-screen {
display: none
<div id="loading-screen">
Loading ...
<div id="login-screen">
Username: <input id="login-username-box" type="text" size="20" /> <br>
Password: <input id="login-password-box" type="password" size="20" /> <br>
<button id="login-submit-btn">Login</button>
<div id="menu-screen">
<p>This is the menu screen.
Normally, there would be a menu of choices.
But this is a stub, so you can only logout from here.
<button id="menu-logout-btn">Logout</button>
// Create one global object to hold all application data and logic.
var app = {
screens: {}, // application screens
Screen: null // screen constructor
// Start the definition of the Screen constructor.
app.Screen = function(name) {
this.name = name;
// Define a "static" variable to refer to the currently active screen.
app.Screen.currentScreen = null;
// Define a function that Screen instances inherit.
app.Screen.prototype.getDiv = function() {
return document.getElementById(this.name + '-screen');
// Define another function that Screen instances inherit.
app.Screen.prototype.show = function() {
if (app.Screen.currentScreen) {
app.Screen.currentScreen.getDiv().style.display = 'none';
this.getDiv().style.display = 'block';
app.Screen.currentScreen = this;
// At this point, definition of the Screen constructor is done.
// Create the screen instances.
app.screens.loading = new app.Screen('loading');
app.screens.login = new app.Screen('login');
app.screens.menu = new app.Screen('menu');
// Initialize the currentScreen variable.
app.Screen.currentScreen = app.screens.loading;
// Set a click event handler for the login button in the login screen.
document.getElementById('login-submit-btn').onclick = function() {
setTimeout(function() { app.screens.menu.show(); }, 2000);
// Set a click event handler for the logout button in the menu screen.
document.getElementById('menu-logout-btn').onclick = function() {
// Use a timeout to simulate loading application data.
setTimeout(function() { app.screens.login.show() }, 2000);
Place the above code in a file named app.html. Load the file in your browser and observe its behavior.
Define an additional screen in app.html named gameplay.
Add a "Play Game" button to the menu screen. When the user clicks the play game button, transition to the game play screen. Simulate a slow transition to the game play screen by displaying the loading screen for 2 seconds.
Include an "Exit" button in the gameplay screen. When the user clicks the exit button, transition directly to the menu screen without passing through the loading screen.
The example Screen constructor has two methods that instances inherit: getDiv and show. Add a third method named hide that when called sets the display attribute of the screen div to none.
Use the above method to simplify the show method as follows.
app.Screen.prototype.show = function() {
if (app.Screen.currentScreen) {
app.Screen.currentScreen.hide(); // revised code
this.getDiv().style.display = 'block';
app.Screen.currentScreen = this;