Check out our new event calendar on Luma -
- Demystifying Numerai - many top data scientists out there are just not too sure about the crypto elements and/or the tournament format. Speaking with and listening to long-term participants can be an effective way to build trust. Some participants learned to trust Numerai after watching Office Hours with Arbitrage.
- Knowledge sharing and brainstorming - although we may not share all our secret sauce, meetups are great opportunities to bounce ideas off each other and may lead to new models with crazily high TC.
- Face-to-face discussions between Numeratis and Numerai team - a lot more than just asking the team “wen scores” in person, these events can provide a quick and direct feedback loop for both participants and the Numerai team.
Check out the original proposal here.
- Eventbrite - Link
- Photos - Link
- Welcoming Remarks by the Numerai Council of Elders - Video
- Talk #1 - Introduction to Numerai (with Memes) by Jo-fai Chow aka ia_ai - Video - Slides
- Talk #2 - A Complete Beginner's Guide to Numerai: From Zero to Hero by Alex Benton aka Aventurine - Video - Slides
- Talk #3 - Signals - the Non-ML Approach by Jon Taylor - Video - Slides
- Talk #4 - Building a Profitable Signals Model: the Principles Behind Alpha_X/Beta_X by Boogies999 - Video - Slides
- Talk #5 - From Tournament to Trading: a Brief Tour of How We Turn Signals into a Hedge Fund by James Elford - Video - Slides
- The Numerai Community Fireside Chat by the Numerai Council of Elders - Video
- Closing Remarks by the Numerai Council of Elders - Video
- Bonus Talk - Welcome to the Numerai Universe by Jos Eilers - Slides (Jos couldn't join us on the day)
- Eventbrite - Link
- Welcoming Remarks by the Numerai Council of Elders - Video
- Talk #1 - A Complete Beginner's Guide to Numerai: From Zero to Hero by Alex Benton aka Aventurine - Video - Slides
- Talk #2 - Feature selection for the classic tournament by Jo-fai Chow aka ia_ai - Video - Slides
- Talk #3 - Numerai Signals by Suraj Parmar (Numerai Council of Elders) - Video - Slides
- Talk #4 - Multi-strategy hedge funds and their discontents, their past and their future by Richard Craib (Founder and CEO of Numerai) - Video (Pending Review)
- Talk #5 - Welcome to the AI Arena by Brandon Da Silva and Wei Xie (Co-founders of AI Arena) - Video - Research Platform Walkthrough
- Closing Remarks by the Numerai Council of Elders - Video
- Eventbrite - Link
- Photos - TBA
- Talk #1 - Numerai Example Scriptを読み解く by Yuichiro Nishimoto - Video (JP) - Slides (JP)
- Talk #2 - The Challenge of Automatically Configuring Numerai Compute Environment by Regonn - Video (JP) - Slides (JP) - Code
- Talk #3 - Asset Centrality in Numerai by Yoshiso - Video (JP) - Slides (EN)
- Talk #4 - 日本株の分析を簡単にするJ-Quants APIの紹介 by Shohei Meitoma - Video (JP) - Slides (JP) - Slides (EN)
- Talk #5 - Can we stably earn NMR from TC? by Ageonsen - Video (JP) - Slides (EN)
- Talk #6 - Numeraiモデルのポートフォリオ構築の試み by Habakan - Video (JP) - Slides (JP) - Slides (EN)
- Talk #7 - Stock Prediction using ChatGPT by UKI - Video (JP) - Slides (JP) - Slides (EN)
- Talk #8 - Numerai Signals Tips and Tricks by Jon Taylor - Video (EN) (Note: incomplete video due to equipment failure) - Slides
- Eventbrite - Link
- Photos - Link
- Talk #0 - Quick Update on Numerai Meetups by Jo-fai Chow - Slides
- Talk #1 - NumerAPI: The Python Client for Numerai by Wolfgang Steitz - Video - Slides
- Talk #2 - Decide Your Model Stake Sizes with Vlad the Staker by Boris Schmid - Video - Slides
- Talk #3 - Cheapskate's Numerai ML infrastructure by Josef Švenda - Video - Slides
- Talk #4 - Shiny Numerati: A Brief History and Use Cases by Jo-fai Chow - Video - Slides
- Talk #5 - My Journey from Web2 to Web3 by Alex Benton - Video - Slides
- Talk #6 - Community Fireside Chart - Video
- Eventbrite - Link
- Photos - Link
- Talk #1 - Quick Update on Numerai Meetups by Jo-fai Chow - Slides
- Talk #2 - Introduction to Machine Learning by Aventurine - Video - Slides
- Talk #3 - Introduction to Numerai by Aventurine - Video - Slides
- Talk #4 - NumerWiki: the Numerai Glossary by Peter Ling - Video - Slides - NumerWiki (WIP)
- Talk #5 - Introduction to Numerai Signals by Suraj Parmar - Video - Slides (G) - Slides (PDF)
- Talk #6 - Using the Shiny Numerati Dashboard to Find Your Best Models by Jo-fai Chow - Video - Slides
- Talk #7 - Language Models: From Words to Numbers by Suraj Parmar - Video - Slides (G) - Slides (PDF)
- Talk #8 - Community Fireside Chat - Video
- Meetup - Link
- Photos - Link
- Talk #1 - Signals - More alpha than there is noise in the market by Suraj Parmar - Slides
- Eventbrite - Link
- Photos - Link
- Welcoming Remarks - by the Numerai Council of Elders - Slides
- Talk #1 - From Zero to Hero by Josef “svendaj” Švenda - Video - Slides
- Talk #2 - Feature Selection by Daniel Springmann - Video - Slides
- Talk #3 - Vlad the Staker by Boris Schmid - Video - Slides
- Talk #4 - Three MMC Tricks by Jeethu Rao - Video - Slides
- Talk #5 - My Journey to Expert on Numerai-Signals* by Sandro Scodeller - Video - Bonus Video - Slides
- Talk #6 - Shiny Numerati by Jo-fai Chow - Video - Slides
- Talk #7 - Fitting LLMs on iPhones by Jeethu Rao - Video - Slides
- Eventbrite - Link
- Photos and Videos - Link
- Welcoming Remarks - by the Numerai Council of Elders - Slides
- Talk #1 - Updates and Strategy for Numerai in 2024 by Yuichiro Nishimoto - Video (JP) - Slides (JP)
- Talk #2 - Submission with Numerai Compute using GCP Batch by Regonn - Video (JP) - Slides (JP + EN)
- Talk #3 - Exploratory Data Analysis of the Numerai Signals V1 Dataset by Habakan - Video (JP) - Slides (JP)
- Talk #4 - YIEDL: An asset management DAO driven by a crowd-sourced AI by Davide Capoti & Roberto Giaccio - Video - Slides (Part I) - Slides (Part II)
- Talk #5 - Introducing - A Decentralized AI Arena by Tim Shen - Video - Slides
- Talk #6 - Introducing CrunchDAO by Jean Hérelle - Video - Slides
- Free Registration - Link
- Social Media - Link
- Photos - Link
- Welcoming Remarks - by the Numerai Council of Elders - Slides
- Talk #1.1 - Introduction by Davide Capoti - Slides - Video
- Talk #1.2 - How It Works by Roberto Giaccio - Slides - Video
- Talk #1.3 - Datasets by Lubin Tan - Slides - Video
- Talk #1.4 - Collaboration with the Numerai Council of Elders by Jo-fai Chow - Slides - Video
- Talk #2.1 - Introduction by Jiahao Sun - Slides - Video
- Talk #2.2 - Live Demo by Nick Wen - Video
- Talk #3 - Ocean Data Challenges: Collaboration with Numerai by Raymond Maiorescu
- Ocean Foam - Ocean Protocol's data challenge program rebranded
- ETH Predict - Ocean's first series of challenges attempting to build models that predict the future value of ETH
- ETH Predict - Docs on Github
- Numerai Data Challenge - as posted on Ocean's platform (Desights)
- Numerai Data Challenge - Raymond's blog post on Ocean Protocol blog page
- Numerai Data Challenge Winners Announcement - Ray's blog post at the end of the challenge
- 1st Place
- 2nd Place
- 3rd Place