This local plugin allows you to manage the section structure of a moodle course via REST API. Functions are build analog to the core_course function.
"Webservice manage sections" gives you the following functions:
- local_wsmanagesections_create_sections: create sections at a defined position,
- local_wsmanagesections_delete_sections: delete sections with given sectionnumber or -id,
- local_wsmanagesections_move_section: move a section to a definded position,
- local_wsmanagesections_get_sections: get the settings of given sections (name,visibility, format options, ...),
- local_wsmanagesections_update_sections: update the settings of given sections (name,visibility, format options, ...).
No configuration needed, just install the plugin. Keep in mind to add the functions to the rest-service.
Use functions over Rest API. Have a look at python sample code at
- Moodle 3.3 or later
Copy the wsmanagesections folder into your /local directory. Add the functions to your rest-service.
Corvus Albus