CornellGO! is an interactive scavenger hunt aimed at sparking interest in exploring the historic Cornell campus by leading the player around campus, seeking landmarks while competing with others.
This repository contains the Flutter mobile app, the React administration app, and the NestJS backend.
Make sure Node.js, Flutter, and Docker are installed!
npm run setup
To access the Google Maps in the CornellGo app, you need two Google Maps API Keys. One is for Android and one is for iOS. Ask a TPM for the .env file with the keys and the instructions to add it into the app.
docker compose up --build
docker compose watch
If you want to see logging, run the following in a different terminal:
docker compose logs --follow
Or look at your docker desktop app
docker compose up --build -d
Press Control + C
*OR* (if done in the background)
docker compose stop
cd server
npx prisma studio
npm run updateapi
npm run formatall
cd admin
npm start
Open the main.dart file, then click the Play button
*OR* to run with a custom server url
cd game
flutter run --dart-define="API_URL="
cd server
npm run doc
npm run tests:unit
npm run tests:e2e
npm run dbreset
cd server
npx prisma migrate dev --name my_migration
- Jesse Cheng - Developer
- Temi Adebowale - Developer
- Frank Dai - Developer
- Esha Shah - Developer
- Happy Li - Designer
- Ashley Paik - Designer
- Jessica Liu - Designer
- Cynthia Lan - PMM
- Brian La - TPM
- Joshua Park - PM
- Carolyn Wang - PM
- Chris Gu - Developer
- Jasmine Li - Developer
- Nitya Pakala - Developer
- Brian La - Developer
- Temi Adebowale - Developer
- Happy Li - Designer
- James Spokes - Designer
- Janet Luo - PMM
- Nikita Kasumov - TPM
- Cathryn Li - TPM
- Jesse Cheng - PM
- Joshua Park - APM
- Tucker Stanley - Developer
- Chris Gu - Developer
- Jasmine Li - Developer
- Nitya Pakala - Developer
- Brian La - Developer
- Valerie Wong - Designer
- Happy Li - Designer
- James Spokes - Designer
- Janet Luo - PMM
- Nikita Kasumov - TPM
- Alisha Lin - APM
- Jesse Cheng - PM
- Youssef Attia - Developer
- Cathryn Li - Developer
- Nirbhay S Narang - Developer
- Chris Gu - Developer
- Brian La - Developer
- Valerie Wong - Designer
- Hanan Abraha - Designer
- Alisha Lin - PMM
- Nikita Kasumov - TPM
- Jesse Cheng - APM
- Althea Bata - PM
- Youssef Attia - Developer
- Cathryn Li - Developer
- Nirbhay S Narang - Developer
- Chris Gu - Developer
- Brian La - Developer
- Robin Ahn - Designer
- Hanan Abraha - Designer
- Alisha Lin - PMM
- Nikita Kasumov - TPM
- Althea Bata - PM
- Eric Huang - Developer
- Youssef Attia - Developer
- Cathryn Li - Developer
- Nirbhay S Narang - Developer
- Chris Gu - Developer
- Brian La - Developer
- Nikita Kasumov - TPM/PM
- Boao Dong - Backend Developer
- Eric Huang - Administrative Frontend
- Nikita Kasumov - TPM/PM