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This is the gh-pages site for the Conga-Comic - life on the chain one block at a time.

Any opinion, view point, statement of fact is of the individual author, and does not represent IBM, Hyperledger or the Linux Foundation.

Adding a new comic

  • Fork the repo
  • Add the new image to the assets\imgs directory.
    • Naming convetion is blockheight-xx.png
  • In the _posts directory duplicate the file following the convention
  • Adjust the contents of the front matter, to refer to the image uploaded, just the name not the path
  • Update the title, and description

Adding text to a comic

The idea is to explain the idea that is being discussed.

  • Same procedure as above, fork the repo.
  • In the _posts directory add markdown formatted text BELOW the ----

Submit the PR

And 'poke' the owners to merge it.

Building locally

Issue the command

bundle exec jekyll serve