Releases: clustermod/CCM3
Releases · clustermod/CCM3
Version 3.0.4
Version 3.0.3
Requires CBA version 3.15.7 or later and Arma 3 version 2.10 or later.
- Changed Armor values for RHS AFRF, RHS USAF and RHS GREF vests to nerf these factions.
Version 3.0.2
Requires CBA version 3.15.7 or later and Arma 3 version 2.10 or later.
- Added Radio Backpacks module which enlargens S&S PRC-25s to fit ACRE PRC-77s
Version 3.0.1
Requires CBA version 3.15.7 or later and Arma 3 version 2.10 or later.
- Fixed bug where the Cluster Community Server Shortcut wouldn't work
Version 3.0.0
Requires CBA version 3.15.7 or later and Arma 3 version 2.10 or later.
- Added Ability to fire launchers from prone (ACE2 Port)
- Added meta.cpp, mod.cpp and logo to addons
- Entirely reworked the mod to work with HEMTT build tools
- Renamed Eric's Clustermod (ECM3) to
Cluster Community Mod
(CCM3) - Moved all gasmasks to
Cluster Community Assets
(CCA3) - Moved Alouette to
Cluster Community Assets
(CCA3) - Moved ARMSCore_Compat to
Cluster Community Assets
(CCA3) - Recompiled all sqf files to SQF Bytecode (SQFC)
- Temporarily removed KLPQ Music Radio (Will be an optional mod instead)
- Temporarily removed Eric's Notepad (will be rebuilt into CE: Notepad)
Dev Changelog
- Added Custom Build tools for HEMTT (
- Added validation tools to validate configs and scripts
- Added
Visual Studio Code
settings and tasks to use the new tools