A Docker container for Couchbase Community that auto-configures the cluster based on environment variables
$ docker run -d -e CB_RAMSIZE=256 --name couchbase -p 8091-8094:8091-8094 -p 11210:11210 crobin/couchbase-community
$ docker logs -f couchbase
* Starting couchbase .... started !
* Creating couchbase cluster
* Using random password: <random password here>
* Setting memory quota
* Setting up services
* Setting up storage
storageMode: forestdb
logLevel: info
stableSnapshotInterval: 5000
maxRollbackPoints: 5
memorySnapshotInterval: 200
indexerThreads: 0
* Setting up credentials and port
* Setup finished -- Web UI available at http://<ip>:8091
The following variables are available
- CB_ADMIN_USER : Admin username (default: admin)
- CB_ADMIN_PWD : Admin password (default: a random 16 char password, printed on stdout at start)
- CB_SERVICES : Which services are provided by the node: (default: kv,index,n1ql,fts)
- CB_RAMSIZE : Data size (default: 512)
- CB_INDEX_RAMSIZE : Index size (default: 256)
- CB_FTS_RAMSIZE : FTS size (default: 256)
- CB_INDEX_STORAGE : Index storage type (default: default)