This is the ongoing development branch for Cowboy Courses.
For the original prototype version see the Prototype branch.
Cowboy Courses is a web scraper that scrapes the Oklahoma State University Course Catalog. It would get all the current terms, subjects, courses, and sections with all the instructors, dates, times, locations, course number, and status.
It would allow a student to create an account, find the courses they wanted and subscribe / watch them if a certain property had changed. For example, if the professor changed, or time changed, or the status changed from closed to open due to another student unenrolling opening a seat. The application would then TXT/SMS or Email the student of the change. Then the student could get to a computer as fast as possible to enroll in that course they wanted.
The use case and where this is useful is when you are a freshmen or perhaps a senior needing a certain course to graduate that is already full. There are other potential uses also. If you don't want a specific date/time or instructor is another example.
Cowboy Courses also has the ability to rate and comment on courses. Helping students find the best instructors and courses.