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Alfred reminders companion

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Display and edit reminders due today.



  • Display reminders due today (or overdue) via the keyword rem. Alternatively, you can also use a hotkey for that.
    • : Complete the reminder.
    • ⌘⏎: If the reminder has a URL, open it in the default browser, otherwise, copy the reminder's text to the clipboard. Afterward, complete the reminder.
    • ⌥⏎: Edit the reminder in Alfred. (The first line is the reminder title, the rest is the reminder body.)
    • ⇧⏎: "Snooze" the reminder by changing its due date to tomorrow.
    • ⌃⏎: Display completed reminders due today as well. Using on a completed reminder marks it as uncompleted. The other modifiers work the same as with uncompleted reminders. Use ⌃⏎ again to hide completed reminders again.
    • Fn⏎: Increase the reminder's priority by one level (or reset it to "none," if already at the highest priority).
  • Quickly add a new reminder due today with the keyword qq. Alternatively, you can also use a hotkey to add the currently selected text or current browser tab as a reminder.
  • Add a reminder due at a future date with the keyword atdate.


This workflow requires the reminders-cli:

brew install keith/formulae/reminders-cli

➡️ Download the latest release of this workflow.

As the workflow uses an unofficial homebrew package, it is not eligible for the Alfred Gallery. The workflow nonetheless auto-updates via the OneUpdater.


Icon by Emoopo-Design

About the developer

In my day job, I am a sociologist studying the social mechanisms underlying the digital economy. For my PhD project, I investigate the governance of the app economy and how software ecosystems manage the tension between innovation and compatibility. If you are interested in this subject, feel free to get in touch.

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