What's Changed
Full Changelog: bracis2023...24.7.23
Agent | New Action | Description |
ARGO | .argo.port(S) | Defines a serial communication port with an IoT low-end device. Where S is a literal that represents a serial port (i.e., ttyACM0). |
.argo.limit(N) | Defines an interval for the cycle of environmental perception. Where N is a positive number (N>0) that represents an interval in milliseconds | |
.argo.percepts(close|open) | Listens or not the environmental perceptions. | |
.argo.act(O) | Sends an order to the IoT low-end device to execute. Where O is a literal that represents an order for the microcontroller to execute. | |
Hermes | .hermes.configureContextNetConnection( "X",G,E,U) | Configures an ContextNet network. Where X is a string that represents an network name; G is a literal that represents the FQDN or the network address of an gateway; E is a number that represents the network port of an gateway; U is a literal that represents the identification of the device in the network. |
.hermes.connect("X") | Joins at "X" ContextNet network. | |
.hermes.sendOut(D,f,M) | Dispatches a message to another MAS. Where D is a literal that represents the identification of the recipient MAS; f is a illocutionary force (tell | untell | achieve | unachieve); M is a literal that represents the message. | |
.hermes.moveOut(D,b,A) | Carries over the agents to other MAS. Where D is a literal that represents the identification of the recipient MAS; b is a bio-inspired protocol (inquilinism | mutualism | predation); A is one, all, or a set of agents (i.e., all, agent or [agent1, agent2, agentn]) | |
.hermes.disconnect("X"); | Disconnects at "X" ContextNet network. | |
Mailer | .mailer.credentials(E,K) | Set email credentials. Where E is a string that represents the email account (e.g., "agent@example.com"); K is a string that represents the e-mail password. |
.mailer.eMailService([I,p],[O,q]) | Set email provider configurations. Where I is a string that represents the FQDN of the input e-mail server (e.g., "imap.example.com"); p is a literal that represents the input protocol (e.g., imaps); O is a string that represents the FQDN of the output email server(e.g., "smtp.example.com"); q is a literal that represents the output protocol (e.g., smtpOverTLS). | |
.mailer.sendEMail(D,f,M) | Dispatches a email message to another MAS or Human. Where D is a literal that represents the destination email recipient; f is a illocutionary force (tell | untell | achieve | unachieve); M is a literal that represents the message. | |
Jason | .velluscinum.buildWallet(w) | Generates a digital wallet and returns the belief: w(P,Q). Where P e Q are literals that represent the agent's key pair. |
.velluscinum.deployNFT(S,P,Q,I,M,b) | Registers an asset and returns the belief: b(A). Where A is a literal that represents a indivisible asset; S is a literal that represents the address of a DLT node; P and Q are literals that represent the agent's key pair; I is a key-value array that represents the immutable data of an asset; M is a key-value array representing asset or transaction metadata; | |
.velluscinum.transferNFT(S,P,Q,A,R,M,b) | Transfers an asset and returns the belief: b(T). Where T is a literal that represents a transaction performed in the DTL; S is a literal that represents the address of a DLT node; P and Q are literals that represent the agent's key pair; A is a literal that represents a indivisible asset; R is a literal that represents the public key of a recipient agent; M is a key-value array representing asset or transaction metadata; | |
.velluscinum.deployToken(S,P,Q,I,V,b) | Creates V units from an asset, returns the belief: b(C). Where C is a literal that represents a divisible asset; S is a literal that represents the address of a DLT node; P and Q are literals that represent the agent's key pair; I is a key-value array that represents the immutable data of an asset. | |
.velluscinum.transferToken(S,P,Q,C,R,V,b) | Transfers V units of C and returns the belief: b(T). Where T is a literal that represents a transaction performed in the DTL; S is a literal that represents the address of a DLT node; P and Q are literals that represent the agent's key pair; C is a literal that represents a divisible asset; R is a literal that represents the public key of a recipient agent; V is a literal that represents the number of parts of a C. | |
.velluscinum.stampTransaction(S,P,Q,T) | Stamps a transaction (T). Where S is a literal that represents the address of a DLT node; P and Q are literals that represent the agent's key pair. | |
.velluscinum.tokenBalance(S,P,Q,C,q) | Check the wallet Q and return the belief: q(C,V). Where C is a literal that represents a divisible asset; V is a literal that represents the number of parts of a C; S is a literal that represents the address of a DLT node; P and Q are literals that represent the agent's key pair. |