The goal of this project is to build a web application that authenticates NFT ownership and integrates with Discord using Flask.
This project is structured as follows:
- discord: contains code related to the Discord integration.
- web3: contains code related to the web3 utils.
- templates: contains the HTML templates for the web application.
- static: contains the static files for the web application, such as CSS and JavaScript files.
- contains the configuration variables for the application.
- contains code related to the Flask web application.
- the entry point for the Flask application.
In this project, we implement web3 authentication using web3py lib. The nft folder contains the necessary code to authenticate the ownership of an NFT.
In this project, we integrate with Discord using the Discord API. The discord folder contains the necessary code to interact with Discord, such as sending a message to a Discord channel.
In this project, we build a web application using Flask. The app folder contains the necessary code to build the web application, including the routes and controllers. The templates folder contains the HTML templates for the web application, and the static folder contains the static files for the web application, such as CSS and JavaScript files.
Before running the application, make sure to set the configuration variables in the file. This includes Discord Bot Token and the Discord webhook URL.
To run this project, follow these steps:
- Set the configuration variables in the file.
class WebConfig:
REDIRECT_URI = "insert your web uri"
class Web3Config:
WEB3_PROVIDER_URI = "insert web3 provider uri"
ABI = "insert ABI"
class DiscordConfig:
CLIENT_ID = "insert your discord client id"
CLIENT_SECRET = "insert your discord client secret key"
API_URI = ''
BOT_TOKEN = "insert your discord bot token"
DISCORD_ROLE_ID = "insert discord role id"
DISCORD_SERVER_ID = "insert discord server id"
- Run the file to start the Flask web application.
- Access the web application in a web browser.