Works with pelican==4.0.x
I have no plans to maintain this for pelican==4.0.x
Allows to list draft posts as "coming soon" on the articles list page without any links to them
![Screenshot] (
Draft's metadata needs to have the "visible_draft" field with value "true"
:status: draft
:visible_draft: true
Then adapt your theme's index.html accordingly
{% for article in articles_page.object_list %}
<div id="article_title">
<h1 id="no_vertical_margin">
{% if article.status.lower() == "draft" and article.metadata.visible_draft %}
<a class="button_more" href="{{ SITEURL }}/">{{ article.title }}</a>
{% else %}
<a class="button_more" href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ article.url }}">{{ article.title }}</a>
{% endif %}
<div id="article_text">
{{ article.summary }}
<div id="article_more">
{% if article.status.lower() == "draft" and article.metadata.visible_draft %}
<a class="button_more" href="{{ SITEURL }}/">Coming Soon</a>
{% else %}
<a class="button_more" href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ article.url }}">Read →</a>
{% endif %}
{% if not loop.last %}
<hr />
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Also your archives.html
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Archives{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div id="article_text">
{% for article in dates %}
{% if article.status.lower() == "published" %}
<dt>{{ article.locale_date }}</dt>
<dd><a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ article.url }}">{{ article.title }}</a></dd>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block footer %}
<p><a href="{{ SITEURL }}/" class="button_accent">← Back to Index</a></p>
{% endblock %}