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Xiangqi-Core Nuget Package


Xiangqi-Core is a comprehensive library designed to facilitate the development of applications related to Xiangqi (Chinese Chess). It provides a robust set of functionalities including move generation, move validation, game state management, etc. Built with flexibility and performance in mind, XiangqiCore aims to be the go-to solution for developers looking to integrate Xiangqi mechanics into their software.


  • Fluent API: Provides a fluent API for easy configuration and initialization of game instances.
  • Game State Management: Easily manage game states, including piece positions, turn tracking, and game outcome detection.
  • Parsing of Move Notations: Supports parsing of move notations in UCCI, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and English, allowing for versatile game command inputs.
  • Move Validation: Validate player moves, ensuring moves adhere to the rules of Xiangqi.
  • Image Generation: Generate customizable images of the game board for visual representation.
  • GIF Generation: Generate customizable GIFs of the game for visual representation.
  • PGN Generation: Generate PGN strings and files for game records.
  • Dpxq Game Record Parsing: Import a game from using the Dpxq game record format.
  • Randomisation of Board Position: Randomise the board position based on the current FEN or custom piece counts.
  • Move Translations: Translate moves between different move notations.
  • Dependency Injection: Utilize the library with dependency injection in your applications.


Xiangqi-Core is available as a NuGet package. You can install it using the NuGet Package Manager or the dotnet CLI.

dotnet add package Xiangqi-Core

Getting Started

To get started with Xiangqi-Core, first import the package into your project:

Here's a simple example of setting up a game board and making a move:

using XiangqiCore.Game;

// Create a new game instance with the help of the XiangqiBuilder
XiangqiBuilder builder = new (); 
XiangqiGame game = builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();
// Make a move
game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

Refer to the tests or documentation below (In progress) for more detailed examples and usage instructions.



The XiangqiBuilder class is responsible for creating instances of the Xiangqi game with different configurations. It provides a fluent API for easy configuration and initialization of game instances.

Public Methods


Sets the Xiangqi game configuration to the default starting position.

Default Configuration:

  • Starting Fen: rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR w - - 0 1
  • Side to move: Red
  • Red player: Unknown
  • Black player: Unknown
  • Game result: Unknown
  • Competition:
    • GameDate : null
    • Round : Unknown
    • Name : Unknown

If the above fields are not set when calling the Build method, these default values will be used by default.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game = builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();
WithStartingFen(string customFen)

Sets the starting position according to the provided FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation).

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new (); 

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithStartingFen("1r2kabr1/4a4/1c2b1n2/p3p1C1p/2pn2P2/9/P1P1P2cP/N3C1N2/2R6/2BAKABR1 b - - 2 10")

Sets the starting position to an empty board by setting the initial FEN to "9/9/9/9/9/9/9/9/9/9 w - - 0 1". This is useful for setting up custom board configurations with the WithBoardConfig method below, where you want to set up the board manually without using a FEN.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new (); 

XiangqiGame game = builder

Builds an instance of the Xiangqi game.

WithRedPlayer(Action<Player> action)

Sets the configuration for the red player. If the Name or Team is not set for the player, the default value will be "Unknown".

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new (); 

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithRedPlayer(player => { 
		player.Name = "許銀川";
		plyaer.Team = "廣東":
WithBlackPlayer(Action<Player> action)

Sets the configuration for the black player. If the Name or Team is not set for the player, the default value will be "Unknown".

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new (); 

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithBlackPlayer(player => player.Name = "趙國榮")
WithGameResult(GameResult gameResult)

Sets the game result for the Xiangqi game. The default value is GameResult.Unknown.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder
WithCompetition(Action<CompetitionBuilder> action)

Sets the configuration for the competition. The competition configuration includes the event name, site, and date. If these fields are not set, the default value of event name and site will be "Unknown", and the default date would be today's date.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithCompetition(competition => {
		competition.Event = "World Xiangqi Championship";
		competition.Site = "Beijing, China";
		competition.Date = "2022-10-01";
WithBoardConfig(BoardConfig config)

Sets the board configuration for the Xiangqi game using a BoardConfig class instance. The SetPiece method is used to set the piece type and color at a specific coordinate on the board. It will overwrite any existing piece at that coordinate, so it is recommended to call the WithEmptyBoard method before calling WithBoardConfig.

using XiangqiCore.Game;
using XiangqiCore.Boards;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

BoardConfig config = new ();

config.AddPiece(new Coordinate(column: 5, row: 5), PieceType.Rook, PieceColor.Red);
config.AddPiece(new Coordinate(column: 5, row: 1), PieceType.King, PieceColor.Red);
config.AddPiece(new Coordinate(column: 4, row: 10), PieceType.King, PieceColor.Black);

XiangqiGame game =  builder
WithBoardConfig(Action<BoardConfig> action)

Sets the board configuration for the Xiangqi game using the APIs directly from the BoardConfig class.

using XiangqiCore.Game;
using XiangqiCore.Boards;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithBoardConfig(config => {
		config.AddPiece(new Coordinate(column: 5, row: 5), PieceType.Rook, PieceColor.Red);
		config.AddPiece(new Coordinate(column: 5, row: 1), PieceType.King, PieceColor.Red);
		config.AddPiece(new Coordinate(column: 4, row: 10), PieceType.King, PieceColor.Black);
WithMoveRecord(string moveRecord, MoveNotationType moveNotationType = MoveNotationType.TraditionalChinese)

Sets the move record for the Xiangqi game. The moveNotationType is used to specify the type of move notation used in the move record for parsing. The default value is TraditionalChinese.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithMoveRecord("1. 炮二平五 炮8平5")
WithGameName(string gameName)

Sets the game name for the Xiangqi game.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithGameName("呂欽專集 第一局 ")
WithDpxqGameRecord(string dpxqGameRecord, MoveNotationType moveNotationType = MoveNotationType.SimplifiedChinese)

Sets the Xiangqi game configuration using a Dpxq game record. The method is used to import a game from The method is still in beta, and there may be issues with parsing the game record, due to the incosistency in the game record format. By default the notation would be parsed in Simplified Chinese.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithDpxqGameRecord(@"标题: 杭州环境集团队 王天一 和 四川成都懿锦金弈队 武俊强
分类: 全国象棋甲级联赛
赛事: 2023年腾讯棋牌天天象棋全国象棋甲级联赛
轮次: 决赛
布局: E42 对兵互进右马局
红方: 杭州环境集团队 王天一
黑方: 四川成都懿锦金弈队 武俊强
结果: 和棋
日期: 2023.12.10
地点: 重庆丰都
组别: 杭州-四川
台次: 第04台
评论: 中国象棋协会
作者: 张磊
备注: 第3局
记时规则: 5分+3秒
红方用时: 6分
黑方用时: 6分钟
棋局类型: 全局
棋局性质: 超快棋
红方团体: 杭州环境集团队
红方姓名: 王天一
黑方团体: 四川成都懿锦金弈队
黑方姓名: 武俊强
棋谱主人: 东萍公司
棋谱价值: 0
浏览次数: 3086
来源网站: 1791148
【主变: 和棋】
  1. 兵七进一  卒7进1 
  2. 马八进七  马8进7 
  3. 马二进一  象3进5 
  4. 炮八平九  马2进3 
  5. 车九平八  车1平2 
  6. 炮二平四  马7进8 
  7. 炮九进四  车9进1 
  8. 车八进六  车9平6 
  9. 仕四进五  炮2退1 
  10. 炮九平七  卒9进1 
  11. 相三进五  车6进3 
  12. 车一平三  马8进9 
  13. 车八退二  炮2平8 
  14. 车八进五  马3退2 
  15. 兵三进一  卒7进1 
  16. 相五进三  马2进1 
  17. 炮七平九  车6平1 
  18. 相三退五  后炮平3 
  19. 炮九平八  车1平2 
  20. 炮八平九  车2平1 
  21. 炮九平八  车1平2 
  22. 炮八平九  象5进7 
  23. 车三进三  马9退8 
  24. 车三进一  炮8平3 
  25. 马七退九  车2平1 
  26. 炮九平八  车1平2 
  27. 炮八平九  车2平1 
  28. 炮九平八  象7退5 
  29. 炮八退四  车1进2 
  30. 炮八平七  马1进2 
  31. 炮七进五  车1进2 
  32. 炮七平八  车1平4 
  33. 相七进九  马2进3 
  34. 车三平二  车4退4 
  35. 马一进三  马8退6 
  36. 车二平四  马6进8 
  37. 车四进一  车4平6 
  38. 马三进四  卒5进1 
  39. 炮八平七  马8进6 
  40. 炮七退四  炮3进5 
  41. 马四进二  士4进5 
  42. 相九退七
棋谱由 生成")
RandomisePosition(bool fromFen = true, bool allowCheck = false)

Randomises the board position. If fromFen is set to true, the board will be randomised based on the current FEN. If fromFen is set to false, the board will be randomised based on the board config. If allowCheck is set to false, the randomised position will be checked to ensure that the king is not in check.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.RandomisePosition(fromFen: true, allowCheck: false)
RandomisePosition(PieceCounts pieceCounts, bool allowCheck = false)

Randomises the board position based on the PieceCounts class. If allowCheck is set to false, the randomised position will be checked to ensure that the king is not in check.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

PieceCounts pieceCounts =  new(
	RedPieces: new Dictionary<PieceType, int>()
		{ PieceType.King, 1 },
		{ PieceType.Advisor, 1 },
		{ PieceType.Cannon, 1 },
	BlackPieces: new Dictionary<PieceType, int>()
		{ PieceType.King, 1 },
		{ PieceType.Advisor, 2 },

XiangqiGame game = builder
	.RandomisePosition(pieceCounts, allowCheck: false)


The BoardConfig class is used to set up the board configuration for the Xiangqi game in XiangqiBuilder without the use of FEN. It provides a set of APIs for setting up the board configuration.

Public Methods

AddPiece(Coordinate coordinate, PieceType pieceType, PieceColor pieceColor)

Sets the piece type and color at a specific coordinate on the board.

using XiangqiCore.Boards;

BoardConfig config = new ();

config.AddPiece(new Coordinate(column: 5, row: 5), PieceType.Rook, PieceColor.Red);
config.AddPiece(new Coordinate(column: 5, row: 1), PieceType.King, PieceColor.Red);
config.AddPiece(new Coordinate(column: 4, row: 10), PieceType.King, PieceColor.Black);
AddRandomPiece(Coordinate coordinate)

Sets a random piece at a specific coordinate on the board.

using XiangqiCore.Boards;

BoardConfig config = new ();

config.AddRandomPiece(new Coordinate(column: 5, row: 5));
SetPieceCounts(PieceCounts pieceCounts)

Sets the piece counts for the board configuration. This is for the RandomisePosition method in the XiangqiBuilder.

using XiangqiCore.Boards;

BoardConfig config = new ();

PieceCounts pieceCounts =  new(
	RedPieces: new Dictionary<PieceType, int>()
		{ PieceType.King, 1 },
		{ PieceType.Advisor, 1 },
		{ PieceType.Cannon, 1 },
	BlackPieces: new Dictionary<PieceType, int>()
		{ PieceType.King, 1 },
		{ PieceType.Advisor, 2 },



The XiangqiGame class is the main class that represents a game of Xiangqi. It provides a set of APIs for managing game states, making moves, and retrieving game information.

Public Methods

MakeMove(string move, MoveNotationType notationType)

Makes a move in the game based on the provided move notation and notation type. Returns a boolean representing if the move is made successfully or not. Currently, the library supports UCCI, Chinese and English move notations.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

 game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
 game.MakeMove("h8+7", MoveNotationType.English);
MakeMove(Coodrinate startingPosition, Coordinate destination)

Makes a move in the game based on the starting and destination coordinates. Returns a boolean representing if the move is made successfully or not

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

 game.MakeMove(new Coordinate(column: 5, row: 2), new Coordinate(column: 5, row: 3));
MakeMove(IMoveCommand moveCommand)

Makes a move in the game based on your customized implemenation of the IMoveCommand interface. By default, the library provides two MoveCommand class that implements the IMoveCommand interface, namely NotationMoveCommand and CoordinateMoveCommand. When calling the MakeMove(Coodrinate startingPosition, Coordinate destination) or MakeMove(string move, MoveNotationType notationType) method, they are converted to the CoordinateMoveCommand and NotationMoveCommand respectively under the hood.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

IMoveCommand moveCommand = new NotationMoveCommand(
		moveParsingService: yourCustomImplementationOfMoveParsingService,
		board: game.Board,
		moveNotation: "E3+5",
		sideToMove: Side.Red,
		moveNotationType: MoveNotationType.English);

UndoMove(int numberOfMovesToUndo = 1)

Undoes the specified number of moves in the game. Returns a boolean representing if the moves are undone successfully or not.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
game.MakeMove("馬8進7", MoveNotationType.Chinese);


Public Properties


Gets the current FEN of the game.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

 game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
 game.MakeMove("馬8進7", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
 game.MakeMove("馬二進三", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
 game.MakeMove("車9平8", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

string currentFen = game.CurrentFen;


// Output:
// rnbakabr1/9/1c4nc1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C2C1N2/9/RNBAKAB1R w - - 4 2


Gets the current board position of the game. It returns a deep copy of the 2D array of Piece objects representing the board state.

using XiangqiCore.Game;
using XiangqiCore.Extension;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

 game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

Piece[,] boardPosition = game.BoardPosition;

Console.WriteLine(boardPosition.GetPieceAtPosition(new Coordinate(column: 5, row: 3))); 

// Output: 
// XiangqiCore.Pieces.Cannon


Gets the move history of the game as a list of MoveHistoryObject.

The MoveHistoryObject class has the following properties:

  • FenAfterMove
  • FenBeforeMove
  • IsCapture: Indicates if the move resulted in a capture.
  • IsCheck: Indicates if the move resulted in a check.
  • IsCheckmate: Indicates if the move resulted in a checkmate.
  • HasMultiplePieceOfSameTypeOnSameColumn: Indicates if there are multiple pieces of the same type on the same column.
  • PieceMoved: The piece type of the piece that was moved.
  • PieceCaptured: The piece type of the piece that was captured, if any.
  • MovingSide: The side (Red or Black) that made the move.
  • StartingPosition: The starting coordinate of the move.
  • Destination: The destination coordinate of the move.
  • PieceOrder: The order of the piece in the column, as there might be more than one pieces of the same type.
using XiangqiCore.Game;
using XiangqiCore.Move.MoveObjects;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

 game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

 game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
 game.MakeMove("馬8進7", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
 game.MakeMove("馬二進三", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
 game.MakeMove("車9平8", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

IReadOnlyList<MoveHistoryObject> moveHistory = game.MoveHistory;

foreach (MoveHistoryObject move in moveHistory)

// Output:
// 炮二平五
// 馬8進7
// 馬二進三
// 車9平8


Gets the name of the game. This property can be set in the XiangqiBuilder using the WithGameName method. The default value is {RedPlayerName}{GameResult}{BlackPlayerName}.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game1 =  builder
	.WithRedPlayer(player => player.Name = "吕钦")
	.WithBlackPlayer(player => player.Name = "王嘉良")

XiangqiGame game2 =  builder
	.WithRedPlayer(player => player.Name = "王天一")
	.WithBlackPlayer(player => player.Name = "鄭惟恫")

XiangqiGame game3 =  builder
	.WithRedPlayer(player => player.Name = "胡榮華")
	.WithBlackPlayer(player => player.Name = "楊官璘")

XiangqiGame game4 =  builder
	.WithRedPlayer(player => player.Name = "胡榮華")
	.WithBlackPlayer(player => player.Name = "楊官璘")
	.WithGameName("1980全國個人賽 胡榮華先负楊官璘")

string gameName1 = game1.GameName;
string gameName2 = game2.GameName;
string gameName3 = game3.GameName;
string gameName4 = game3.GameName;


// Output: 
// 吕钦先勝王嘉良
// 王天一先和鄭惟恫
// 胡榮華先負楊官璘
// 1980全國個人賽 胡榮華先负楊官璘


Gets the result of the game. This property can be set in the XiangqiBuilder using the WithGameResult method. The default value is GameResult.Unknown.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder

GameResult gameResult = game.GameResult;


// Output:
// RedWin


Gets the competition information of the game. This property can be set in the XiangqiBuilder using the WithCompetition method.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithCompetition(competition => {

Competition competition = game.Competition;


// Output:
// 全国象棋个人锦标赛
// 30/11/1987 00:00:00


Gets the red player information of the game. This property can be set in the XiangqiBuilder using the WithRedPlayer method.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithRedPlayer(player => {
		player.Name = "吕钦";
		player.Team = "广东";

Player redPlayer = game.RedPlayer;


// Output:
// 吕钦
// 广东


Gets the black player information of the game. This property can be set in the XiangqiBuilder using the WithBlackPlayer method.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithBlackPlayer(player => {
		player.Name = "王嘉良";
		player.Team = "黑龍江";

Player blackPlayer = game.BlackPlayer;


// Output:
// 王嘉良
// 黑龍江


Gets the side to move in the game. The default value is Side.Red.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

Side sideToMove = game.SideToMove;


// Output:
// Red


A struct representing a coordinate on the Xiangqi board. It has two properties, Column and Row, representing the column and row of the coordinate. Below is a simple diagram of how the coodrinate in XiangqiCore is represented. The maximum column and row are 9 and 10, respectively.

   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 ┌─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┐
9  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │─┤
8  ├─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
7  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │─┤
6  ├─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
5  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │─┤
4  ├─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
3  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │─┤
2  ├─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┼─┤
1  │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │─┤
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


The library provides a set of interfaces and default implementations for generating images, GIFs, and PGNs for the Xiangqi game, as well as translating moves between different move notations, and move parsing. The default implementations can be used out of the box, or you can create your own implementations by implementing the interfaces. They are designed to be used with dependency injection in your applications.


The IPgnGenerationService interface provides a set of APIs for exporting the game as a PGN string or file.

ExportMoveHistory(XiangqiGame game, MoveNotationType moveNotationType = MoveNotationType.TraditionalChinese)

Returns the move history of the game as a string. The moveNotationType is used to specify the type of move notation you want in the result. The default value is TraditionalChinese.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
game.MakeMove("馬8進7", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
game.MakeMove("馬二進三", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
game.MakeMove("車9平8", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

IPgnGenerationService pgnService = new DefaultPgnGenerationService();
string moveHistory = pgnService.ExportMoveHistory(game);


// Output:
// 1. 炮二平五 馬8進7 
// 2. 馬二進三 車9平8

GeneratePgnString(XiangqiGame game, MoveNotationType moveNotationType = MoveNotationType.TraditionalChinese)

Returns a PGN string. The moveNotationType is used to specify the type of move notation you want in the result. The default value is TraditionalChinese.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithRedPlayer(player => player.Name = "吕钦")
	.WithBlackPlayer(player => player.Name = "王嘉良")
	.WithCompetition(competition => {
		competition.Event = "全国象棋个人锦标赛";
		competition.Date = "1987-11-30";
	1. 炮二平五  馬8進7    2. 馬二進三  車9平8
  3. 馬八進七  卒3進1    4. 炮八平九  馬2進3
  5. 車九平八  車1平2    6. 車一進一  象7進5
  7. 車一平四  炮2進4    8. 車八進一  士6進5
  9. 車八平六  炮2進1   10. 車四進五  卒7進1
 11. 車四平三  馬7退6   12. 車三平二  車8進1
 13. 兵五進一  炮8平7   14. 車二平三  車8進4
 15. 馬三進五  車8平6   16. 車六進五  炮2退1
 17. 炮五平二  車6平8   18. 馬五退四  車2進5
 19. 仕六進五  車2平5   20. 車六平八  車5平6
 21. 車八退三  車6進3   22. 炮二平四  車6平7
 23. 兵七進一  卒7進1   24. 兵七進一  車7退2
 25. 馬七進六  車7平2   26. 馬六退八  卒5進1
 27. 炮四進六  車8退4   28. 車三進一  車8平6
 29. 車三退一  車6進4   30. 兵七進一  馬3退2
 31. 馬八退六  卒5進1   32. 馬六進七  象5進3
 33. 炮九進四  馬6進5   34. 車三平一  卒5平4
 35. 馬七退八  車6進1   36. 馬八進九  車6平2
 37. 相三進五  象3進1   38. 兵七平六  馬2進3
 39. 炮九平八  車2退1   40. 車一進三  士5退6
 41. 兵六進一")

IPgnGenerationService pgnService = new DefaultPgnGenerationService();

string pgnString = pgnService.GeneratePgnString(game);


// Output:
// [Game "Chinese Chess"]
// [Event "全国象棋个人锦标赛"]
// [Site "Unknown"]
// [Date "1987.11.30"]
// [Red "吕钦"]
// [RedTeam "Unknown"]
// [Black "王嘉良"]
// [BlackTeam "Unknown"]
// [Result "1-0"]
// [FEN "rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR w - - 0 1"]
// 1. 炮二平五  馬8進7
// 2. 馬二進三  車9平8
// 3. 馬八進七  卒3進1
// 4. 炮八平九  馬2進3
// 5. 車九平八  車1平2
// 6. 車一進一  象7進5
// 7. 車一平四  炮2進4
// 8. 車八進一  士6進5
// 9. 車八平六  炮2進1
// 10. 車四進五  卒7進1
// 11. 車四平三  馬7退6
// 12. 車三平二  車8進1
// 13. 兵五進一  炮8平7
// 14. 車二平三  車8進4
// 15. 馬三進五  車8平6
// 16. 車六進五  炮2退1
// 17. 炮五平二  車6平8
// 18. 馬五退四  車2進5
// 19. 仕六進五  車2平5
// 20. 車六平八  車5平6
// 21. 車八退三  車6進3
// 22. 炮二平四  車6平7
// 23. 兵七進一  卒7進1
// 24. 兵七進一  車7退2
// 25. 馬七進六  車7平2
// 26. 馬六退八  卒5進1
// 27. 炮四進六  車8退4
// 28. 車三進一  車8平6
// 29. 車三退一  車6進4
// 30. 兵七進一  馬3退2
// 31. 馬八退六  卒5進1
// 32. 馬六進七  象5進3
// 33. 炮九進四  馬6進5
// 34. 車三平一  卒5平4
// 35. 馬七退八  車6進1
// 36. 馬八進九  車6平2
// 37. 相三進五  象3進1
// 38. 兵七平六  馬2進3
// 39. 炮九平八  車2退1
// 40. 車一進三  士5退6
// 41. 兵六進一

GeneratePgn(XiangqiGame game, MoveNotationType moveNotationType = MoveNotationType.TraditionalChinese)

Returns the PGN string as bytes array. The moveNotationType is used to specify the type of move notation you want in the result. The default value is TraditionalChinese.


The IPgnSavingService interface provides a set of APIs for exporting the game as a PGN file.

Save(string filePath, XiangqiGame game, MoveNotationType moveNotationType = MoveNotationType.TraditionalChinese)

SaveAsync(string filePath, XiangqiGame game, MoveNotationType moveNotationType = MoveNotationType.TraditionalChinese, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Exports the game as a PGN file to the specified filePath. If the file name is provided in the file path, please make sure you are using the PGN extension. If not provided, the PGN file would be default to use the GameName in the XiangqiGame class

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder
	.WithRedPlayer(player => player.Name = "吕钦")
	.WithBlackPlayer(player => player.Name = "王嘉良")
	.WithCompetition(competition => {
		competition.Event = "全国象棋个人锦标赛";
		competition.Date = "1987-11-30";

 game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
 game.MakeMove("馬8進7", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
 game.MakeMove("馬二進三", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
 game.MakeMove("車9平8", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

 IPgnSavingService pgnService = new DefaultPgnSavingService();

 await pgnService.SaveAsync("USERS/DOWNLOAD/test.pgn", game, cancellationToken: default);


The IImageGenerationService interface provides a set of APIs for generating images of the game.

public byte[] GenerateImage(string fen, Coordinate? previousLocation = null, Coordinate? currentLocation = null, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null)

public Task<byte[]> GenerateImageAsync(string fen, Coordinate? previousLocation = null, Coordinate? currentLocation = null, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public byte[] GenerateImage(MoveHistoryObject moveHistoryObject, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null)

public Task<byte[]> GenerateImageAsync(MoveHistoryObject moveHistoryObject, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public byte[] GenerateImage(Piece[,] position, Coordinate? previousLocation = null, Coordinate? currentLocation = null, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null)

public Task<byte[]> GenerateImageAsync(Piece[,] position, Coordinate? previousLocation = null, Coordinate? currentLocation = null, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Generates an image of the a board position for a specified move count and saves it to the specified file path. If the image name is provided in the file path, please make sure you are using the JPG extension. If not provided, the image would be default to use the GameName in the XiangqiGame class

The ImageConfig class is used to set the configuration for the image generation. Below are the properties you can configure and they are all defualt to false:

  • FlipVertical : Flip the board vertically across the 5th column;
  • FlipHorizontal: Flip the board horizontally across the river;
  • UseBlackAndWhitePieces: Use black and white pieces instead of the coloured pieces;
  • UseMoveIndicator: Show the move indicator on the image to display where the piece moves from/to;
  • UseWesternPieces: Use pieces with a logo instead of traditonal pieces with a Chinese character;
  • UseBlackAndWhiteBoard: Use a black and white board instead of the coloured board;
using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();
XiangqiGame game =  builder

game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
game.MakeMove("馬8進7", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
game.MakeMove("馬二進三", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

ImageConfig config = new()
	UseBlackAndWhitePieces = true,
	UseMoveIndicator = true,
	UseWesternPieces = true,

IImageGenerationService imageService = new DefaultImageGenerationService();

await imageService.GenerateImage(game.CurrentFen, cancellationToken: default);


The IImageSavingService interface provides a set of APIs for exporting the game as an image file.

public void Save(string filePath, string fen, Coordinate? previousLocation = null, Coordinate? currentLocation = null, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null)

public Task SaveAsync(string filePath, string fen, Coordinate? previousLocation = null, Coordinate? currentLocation = null, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public void Save(string filePath, MoveHistoryObject moveHistoryObject, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null)

public Task SaveAsync(string filePath, MoveHistoryObject moveHistoryObject, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public void Save(string filePath, Piece[,] position, Coordinate? previousLocation = null, Coordinate? currentLocation = null, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null)

public Task SaveAsync(string filePath, Piece[,] position, Coordinate? previousLocation = null, Coordinate? currentLocation = null, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();
XiangqiGame game =  builder

game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
game.MakeMove("馬8進7", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
game.MakeMove("馬二進三", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

IImageSavingService imageService = new DefaultImageSavingService();

await imageService.SaveAsync("USERS/DOWNLOAD/test.jpg", game.CurrentFen, cancellationToken: default);


The IGifGenerationService interface provides a set of APIs for generating GIFs of the game.

public byte[] GenerateGif(IEnumerable<string> fens, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null)

public Task<byte[]> GenerateGifAsync(IEnumerable<string> fens, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public byte[] GenerateGif(List<MoveHistoryObject> moveHistory, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null)

public Task<byte[]> GenerateGifAsync(List<MoveHistoryObject> moveHistory, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

public byte[] GenerateGif(XiangqiGame game, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null)

public Task<byte[]> GenerateGifAsync(XiangqiGame game, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

Generates a GIF of the game and saves it to the specified file path. If the image name is provided in the file path, please make sure you are using the GIF extension. If not provided, the image would be default to use the GameName in the XiangqiGame class

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();
XiangqiGame game =  builder

game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
game.MakeMove("馬8進7", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
game.MakeMove("馬二進三", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

IGifGenerationService gifService = new DefaultGifGenerationService();

await gifService.GenerateGifAsync(game, cancellationToken: default);


The IGifSavingService interface provides a set of APIs for exporting the game as a GIF file.

public void Save(string filePath, IEnumerable<string> fens, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null)

public Task SaveAsync(string filePath, IEnumerable<string> fens, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = defaul

public void Save(string filePath, List<MoveHistoryObject> moveHistory, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null)

public Task SaveAsync(string filePath, List<MoveHistoryObject> moveHistory, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = defaul

public void Save(string filePath, XiangqiGame game, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null)

public Task SaveAsync(string filePath, XiangqiGame game, ImageConfig? imageConfig = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder

game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
game.MakeMove("馬8進7", MoveNotationType.Chinese);
game.MakeMove("馬二進三", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

IGifSavingService gifService = new DefaultGifSavingService();

await gifService.SaveAsync("USERS/DOWNLOAD/test.gif", game, cancellationToken: default);


The IPgnGenerationService interface provides a set of APIs for exporting the game as a PGN string or file.

public byte[] GeneratePgn(XiangqiGame game, MoveNotationType moveNotationType = MoveNotationType.TraditionalChinese)

public string GeneratePgnString(XiangqiGame game, MoveNotationType moveNotationType = MoveNotationType.TraditionalChinese)

public string ExportMoveHistory(XiangqiGame game, MoveNotationType targetNotationType = MoveNotationType.TraditionalChinese)

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

IPgnGenerationService pgnService = new DefaultPgnGenerationService();

string moveHistory = pgnService.ExportMoveHistory(game);


The IPgnSavingService interface provides a set of APIs for exporting the game as a PGN file. You can save the game as a PGN file to the specified file path, with the notation type of your own choice.

public void Save(string filePath, XiangqiGame game, MoveNotationType moveNotationType = MoveNotationType.TraditionalChinese)

public Task SaveAsync(string filePath, XiangqiGame game, MoveNotationType moveNotationType = MoveNotationType.TraditionalChinese, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

IPgnSavingService pgnService = new DefaultPgnSavingService();

await pgnService.SaveAsync("USERS/DOWNLOAD/test.pgn", game, cancellationToken: default);


The IMoveParsingService interface provides a set of APIs for parsing move notations.

public ParsedMoveObject ParseMove(string move, MoveNotationType notationType)

Parses the move notation and returns a ParsedMoveObject containing the starting and destination coordinates of the move.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

IMoveParsingService moveParsingService = new DefaultMoveParsingService();

ParsedMoveObject move = moveParsingService.ParseMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

public List<string> ParseGameRecord(string gameRecord)

Parses the game record and returns a list of move notations. This is useful when you have a game record in a string format and you want to extract the move notations.


The IMoveTranslationService interface provides a set of APIs for translating move notations between different languages.

public string TranslateMove(MoveHistoryObject move, MoveNotationType notationType)

Translates the move notation to the specified notation type.

using XiangqiCore.Game;

XiangqiBuilder builder = new ();

XiangqiGame game =  builder.WithDefaultConfiguration().Build();

game.MakeMove("炮二平五", MoveNotationType.Chinese);

IMoveTranslationService moveTranslationService = new DefaultMoveTranslationService();

string translatedMove = moveTranslationService.TranslateMove(game.MoveHistory[0], MoveNotationType.English);

Release Notes

Version 2.1.0

  • Fix the issue where the AddXiangqiCore extension method throws an error
  • Improve the memory performance when validating the moves

Version 2.0.1

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix the issue where the DefaultImageGenerationService does not make use of the ImageConfig from the user when generating the image

Version 2.0.0


  • Upgraded to .NET 9.0
  • Dependency Injection support for the services by adding the AddXiangqiCore extension method
  • Separated the external logics, like the Image Generation and PGN generation, from the XiangqiGame class.
    • Added the IImageGenerationService interface to generate images of the game, with the DefaultImageGenerationService implementation
    • Added the IImageSavingService interface to export the game as an image file, with the DefaultImageSavingService implementation
    • Added the IGifGenerationService interface to generate GIFs of the game, with the DefaultGifGenerationService implementation
    • Added the IGifSavingService interface to export the game as a GIF file, with the DefaultGifSavingService implementation
    • Added the IPgnGenerationService interface to export the game as a PGN string, with the DefaultPgnGenerationService implementation
    • Added the IPgnSavingService interface to export the game as a PGN file, with the DefaultPgnSavingService implementation
    • Added the IMoveParsingService interface to parse the move from the move notation string, and game record string, with the DefaultMoveParsingService implementation
    • Added the IMoveTranslationService interface to translate the move notation between different languages, with the DefaultMoveTranslationService implementation
    • Added the IMoveCommand interface to execute/undo the move in the game
  • Add the UndoMove method to undo moves in the game

Version 1.6.0


  • Separate the MoveNotationType from Chinese to SimplifiedChinese and TradtionalChinese
  • Now the MoveHistoryObject supports the translation into UCCI, English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese notations

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix the issue where the UCCI notation is in uppercase but not in lowercase

Version 1.5.0


  • Add the ImageConfig class to set different options for the image/GIF generation
  • Add Western pieces (black and white + coloured), Chinese pieces (coloured), and board (coloured) for the image generation
  • Add some unit tests for the file generation (PGN, GIF, JPG)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix the potential concurrency issue when accessing the ImageCache

Version 1.4.1


  • Rename the ExportGameAsPgnFile to GeneratePgnFile to follow naming convention
  • Add GenerateImageAsync, GenerateGifAsync, and GeneratePgnFileAsync for asynchronous generation of image, GIF, and PGN file

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix the position validation for pawns not accounting for the pawns that have not yet crossed the river

Version 1.4.0


  • Functionality to randomise the board position using the RandomisePiecePosition method in the XiangqiBuilder class.

  • Add the overriding behaviour of the WithBoardConfig method in the XiangqiBuilder class. Now it will overwrite the existing FEN/Board Config if it is called multiple times.

  • Bug Fixes:

  • Fix the issue where the WithBoardConfig method in the XiangqiBuilder class does not append the game info to the FEN string when initializing the game.

  • New extension methods GetPiecesOfType to reduce the use of reflection in the process of getting the pieces of a specific type on the board.

Version 1.3.0


  • Functionality to create a GIF from the game.
  • Functionality to create an image from a game position.

Version 1.2.1


  • Performance enhancement when building a Xiangqi game from DPXQ or game record
  • Default the game date to null if not provided

Bug Fixes:

  • Handle the exception when the GameDate format in DPXQ record cannot be parsed

Version 1.2.0


  • Rename the APIs in XiangqiBuilder class to prefix with With.
  • Improve the performance of the process for checking for checkmates.
  • Add the WithDpxqGameRecord method to import a game from (Beta)
  • Add the ExportGameAsPgnFile method to export the game as a PGN file.
  • ExportMoveHistory can now accept the MoveNotationType parameter to export the move history in the specified notation. Currently it only supports the transaltion of Chinese/English to UCCI notation. The other translation would be added in the future.
  • The MakeMove method now can also accepts Simplified Chinese notation.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix the issue where the MakeMove method does not handle the edge case that, in some notations, there are two pieces of the same type on the same column and the notation does not mark which piece is moving, as only one of them would be able to perform the move validly.


Contributions to Xiangqi-Core are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or bug fixes, please feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.


Xiangqi-Core is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


For questions or support, please contact