Disclaimer: This code is not maintained.
Code related to our paper: "Improving precipitation nowcasting for high-intensity events using deep generative models with balanced loss and temperature data: a case study in the Netherlands." by Cambier van Nooten, C., Schreurs, K., Wijnands, J. S., Leijnse, H., Schmeits, M., Whan, K., & Shapovalova, Y. published in Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems (2023).
title={Improving precipitation nowcasting for high-intensity events using deep generative models with balanced loss and temperature data: a case study in the {N}etherlands},
author={Cambier van Nooten, Charlotte and Schreurs, Koert and Wijnands, Jasper S and Leijnse, Hidde and Schmeits, Maurice and Whan, Kirien and Shapovalova, Yuliya},
journal={Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems},
publisher={American Meteorological Society}
Work is building and improving upon previous work in precipitation nowcasting:
- "Skillful Precipitation Nowcasting using Deep Generative Models of Radar" by DeepMind
- "Precipitation Nowcasting using Generative Adversarial Networks" by K. Schreurs et al.
General implementation needed for the precipitation nowcasting of higher intensity events. Extensions that are implemented:
- Extended balanced loss
- Temperature data
For further details, we refer to the paper, submitted to AIES journal.
Real-time precipitation radar data is used from 2006 and 2008 till 2021. The data past 2018 is publicly available at the KNMI data platform. This dataset was used to train and validate the model
In order to run the code on your machine, you need to specify the following directories from the radboud server (ceph/knmimo
In the config_DGMR.py
change the path to your data (path_data) and to your project (path_project) to match your system. Furthermore the real-time dataset can have different names (rtcor or RAC). Check your data to see if the prefix of your data matches the one stated in the config file (prefix_rtcor).
In order to execute a basic_run.sh
, preprocessed data is used. When you want to preprocess or label the data yourself, these scripts can found in the preprocessing
A subselection of the data was used, only samples with sufficient rain were included. Each sample in the dataset was labeled as rainy or not rainy.
To obtain these labels you can run the python script rainyday_labeler.py
, with as argument the year you want to label (example: rainyday_labeler.py 2019, this would label all the samples from 2019)
A generator is used to retrieve parts of the data during runtime (Datagenerator class in batchcreator module). The generator loads the input, target pairs by filename. To create these input and target pairs you can run the python script create_traindata_IDs.py
and change the time interval and input and output length and the filename to your needs.
To obtain the results of an basic run, execute the basic_run.py
file. In order to run the file on the server, use the following steps to login in to the correct server (cn46 or cn47 in the ceph/knmimo
group), and to activate the slurm jobs
ssh username@lilo8.science.ru.nl
-> password
ssh -J lilo.science.ru.nl cn99
Create slurm job file (.sh
#SBATCH --partition=csedu
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:2
#SBATCH --time=20:00:00
source pythesis/bin/activate
wandb login
python basic_run.py
Run the slurm job
sbatch -w cn47 basicrun.sh
To watch the queue on the servers, or to cancel the slurm job, use the following commands,
scancel JOBID