Welcome to this custom portfolio built with Javascript, Three.js, React, and Tailwindcss.
To get started with this project, follow these steps:
- Clone the project repository:
$ gh clone project
Install the project dependencies:
> $ npm install
Start the development server:
> $ npm run dev
Create project with Vite, React, JavaScript
> $ npm create vite@latest
To install and configure Tailwind CSS using vite for your project, follow these steps:
> $ npm install -D tailwindcss
> $ npx tailwindcss init
NEXT STEP: Configure your template paths
Add the Tailwind directives to your CSS
Install Tailwind CSS
> $ npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
> $ npx tailwindcss init -p
configure your template path on `tailwind.config.js` file :
content: [
> configure tailwind js to include custom colors and theme
Installing Router DOM v6
To install and integrate React Router DOM v6 into your project, follow these steps:
Install React Router DOM as a dependency:
> $ NPM install react-router-dom
install react-three-fiber :
> $ npm install three @react-three/fiber
once we install three fiber we also have to install drei for this project;
it is useful helpers and fully functional, ready-made abstractions for @react-three/fiber.
> $ npm install @react-three/drei
Note: because our Canva component can only load 3D objects
use SketchFab to download 3D Models
we download our 3D models in .gib format then convert them to JSX / JSON usting this website
> Copy to clipboard and then past it in our model component 'island.jsx' in this case
we make it animated using react-spring/three
> npm install @react-spring/three