For exchanging material and doc
ORION: fold recognition method based on profile-profile alignments
scoringProfiles: methods to score profile-profile alignments
HHsearch: remote homology detection using profiles (defined from hidden Markov models, not from PSSM!)
CLADE: remote homology detection using a multi-profile strategy
DOPE: "historical" statistical potential for evaluating the quality of 3D models (does not perform very well but is a good start)
Rosetta: a reference function for estimating the energy of a 3D protein conformation (be aware it's all-atom!)
SBROD: coarse-grained statistical potential to evaluate 3D models quality (can be applied to Calpha-only or backbone-only structures, recently performed well in CASP13, can be completely re-trained!)
For structural annotations (secondary structure, solvent accessibility, contacts... predicted from sequence)
ReviewSA: book chapter reviewing methods to predict secondary structure, solvent accessibility, torsional angles and contact maps, from sequenc information)
CCMPRED: method to predict protein-protein contact by extracting coevolution signals (co-occurring patterns of mutations across sequences)