For unofficial TWRP build release, go to custom-recovery-releases.
You can find the guide in the download area.
Assuming you know the basic of preparing build environment...
- TWRP Source:
repo init --depth=1 -u -b twrp-12.1
sed -i '/<remove-project name="platform\/external\/gflags" \/>/d' .repo/manifests/remove-minimal.xml
repo sync -j$(nproc --all) --force-sync
- Device Tree (Make sure you are in root directory of TWRP source.):
git clone -b twrp-12.1 ./device/samsung/a55x
- Build (Make sure you are in root directory of TWRP source.)
source build/; export ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true; lunch twrp_a55x-eng; mka vendorbootimage
- Check
in $OUT directory.