In this example you can visualize a gradient descent landscape of a polynomial function f(x) = a * x^exponent. You can adjust the parameters a and the exponent of the function by yourself and look how the gradient changes.
This repository contains the logic and scripts that combine three packages:
- A libary to show 3dGraphs
- An extention to use next generation JavaScript
- Parcel Bundler Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
- Google Charts Display live data on your site
- Bootstrap Build responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the world’s most popular front-end component library.
Visualisation of the function f(x) = a * x^exponent:
Visualisation of the gradient Landscape:
- Download the project
- Call 'npm install' in your projectfolder(Make sure npm is installed)
- 'npm run build'
- 'npm run watch'
- If your browser doesn't open by itself navigate to 'http://localhost:1234/'
Credits to Ryan Harris