- http://fast.ai
- Free Library + course material to learn AI, ML, DL quickly
- Library is based on Pytorch (previously there was a Keras version)
- Has a community forum and lots of resources on the internet, good feedback and posts on medium
Additional references
- See fast.ai under Courses
- https://docs.fast.ai/training.html
- http://forums.fast.ai
- https://forums.fast.ai/t/how-should-i-get-started-with-fast-ai-library/17627
- https://forums.fast.ai/t/another-treat-early-access-to-intro-to-machine-learning-videos/6826
- https://medium.com/@pierre_guillou/fastai-how-to-start-663927d4db63
- https://www.kdnuggets.com/2019/01/6-most-useful-machine-learning-projects-2018.html
- https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fast.ai
- Rachel Thomas | Fast.ai | Applied Ethics | Top Down Learning | CTDS.Show #75
- [AI/ML/DL Library / Package / Framework: applicable]
- [Inexpensive crowd-sourced infrastructure sharing: applicable]
- [Data querying: manual / tools available]
- [Data analytics: manual / tools available]
- [Data visualisation: manual / tools available]
- [Data cleaning: manual / no tools available]
- [Data validation: manual / no tools available]
- [Feature extraction: manual / no tools available]
- [Model creation: available]
- [Execute experiments: available]
- [Hyper parameter tuning: available]
- [Model saving: available]
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