- Algorithms
- Cambridge Spark
- Datacamp
- Dataiku
- Data Science
- Computer Vision
- fast.ai
- Intel
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Python: Best practices
- Python: Testing
- Statistics
- Misc
- For Individuals
- Onsite courses
- MSc Data Science (distance learning)
- Data Science for Executives
- Graduate Scheme
- K.A.T.E: Powering success in Data Science careers
- Data Science Primer
- Coursera course: Getting and Cleaning Data
- Data Science courses on Coursera | 2
- Data courses on Udemy
- Data courses on Udacity
- Latest Machine learning, visualization, data mining techniques. Online Master�s in Data Analytic from Penn State
- Coursera Course: Probability and distribution [deadlink]
- Coursera Data Science Methodology course
- From Problem to Approach and From Requirements to Collection
- Business Understanding
- Analytic Approach
- Data Requirements
- Data Collection
- From Understanding to Preparation and From Modeling to Evaluation
- Data Understanding
- Data Preparation
- Modeling
- Model Evaluation
- From Problem to Approach and From Requirements to Collection
- Introduction to Computer Vision, Udacity, GeorgiaTech (free, paid for certification)
- Stanford Computer Vision Lab : Teaching - Contains publications other than courses (free)
- Introduction to CV, IBM (free, paid for certification)
- Convolutional Neural Networks, Coursera (free, paid for certification)
- Image and Video Processing course by Duke University, Coursera (free, paid for certification)
- Practical Deep Learning for Coders, v3
- Part 2: Deep Learning from the Foundations
- Introduction to Machine Learning for Coders
- Computational Linear Algebra
- Code-First Introduction to Natural Language Processing
- Intel® AI Courses
- Featured Course: AI from the Data Center to the Edge – An Optimized Path using Intel® Architecture
- ML course by Weights & Biases | WandB
- Korbit AI ML Courses
- Mirror Neuron Courses
- Course material by Students of AI (Imperial College, London) previous github link, alternative forked repo
- Comprehensive list of machine learning videos by Yaz
- 3Blue1Brown
- Siraj Raval
- The Coding Train\
- Neural Networks and Machine Learning
- The Nature of Code: Simulating Natural Systems with Processing
- Runway: Machine Learning for Creators
- Session 12: word2vec - Programming with Text
- Machine Learning with TensorFlow, ml5.js, and Spell
- Session 5 - Doodle Classifier - Intelligence and Learning
- Session 6 - TensorFlow.js - Intelligence and Learning
- Session 7 - TensorFlow.js Color Classifier - Intelligence and Learning
- 11: Neuroevolution - The Nature of Code
- coursera
- ML Crash course by Google
- ML Recipes course by Josh Gordon
- The Neural Aesthetic (Gene Kogan)
- 01 Introduction, the whole course "in 60 minutes"
- 02 Neural networks
- 03 Neural networks
- 04 Applications of neural nets
- 05 Visualization, deepdream, style & texture
- 06 Generative models
- 07 Conditional generative models
- 08 Recurrent neural networks
- 09 Music information retrieval, BIGGAN & GLOW
- 10 Reinforcement Learning & Natural Language Processing
- 11 Autonomous Artificial Artist
- Study plan to become a ML Engineer
- Code examples for the Stanford's course: TensorFlow for Deep Learning Research
- Deep Learning course by Andrew Ng
- Reinforcement Learning Crash Course by Central London Data Science meetup - GitHub repo | Slides | Notebooks: 1 | 2 | 3
- Statistics courses at Coursera
- Udemy
- Udacity - search for
- Harvard University: Statistics 110 | more videos on their YouTube channel
- Stanford University
- Statistical Inference [course]
Deep Learning
[ Natural Language Processing ]
CS 124: From Languages to Information (LINGUIST 180, LINGUIST 280)
CS 224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning (LINGUIST 284)
CS 224U: Natural Language Understanding (LINGUIST 188, LINGUIST 288)
CS 276: Information Retrieval and Web Search (LINGUIST 286)
[ Computer Vision ] CS 131: Computer Vision: Foundations and Applications
CS 205L: Continuous Mathematical Methods with an Emphasis on Machine Learning
CS 231N: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
CS 348K: Visual Computing Systems
[ Others ]
CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs(Yong Dam Kim )
CS 273B: Deep Learning in Genomics and Biomedicine (BIODS 237, BIOMEDIN 273B, GENE 236)
CS 236: Deep Generative Models
CS 228: Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques
CS 337: Al-Assisted Care (MED 277)
CS 229: Machine Learning (STATS 229)
CS 229A: Applied Machine Learning
CS 234: Reinforcement Learning
CS 221: Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques
- Check out 50 most popular massive open online courses (Tweet)
- Restart from basics, here's the learning path
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