This charm is under maintenance mode. Only critical bug will be handled.
This charm collects statistics about machines deployed by juju controller and exports them as a Prometheus metrics.
Core collecting and exporting functionality is implemented in the prometheus-juju-exporter snap. This snap can be either provided manually during the deployment as a resource or this charm will attempt to download it from Snap Store.
Main focus of this exporter is to provide insight about how many machines are deployed by the Juju controller and what's their state. The installed exporter snap will try to connect to the controller and crawl through every model, collecting information about deployed machines.
Resulting metrics contain numeric representation 1
(UP) or 0
(DOWN) for each machine deployed
by the controller. In addition, each machine (metric) has labels that help to uniquely identify it:
- hostname - hostname of the machine as reported by Juju
- juju_model - name of the model in which the machine is deployed
- cloud_name - name of the cloud that hosts the model
- customer - name of the customer/organization that owns the controller
- type - (Experimental) Distinguishes various host types
- metal - Physical machine
- kvm - Virtual Machine
- lxd - LXD container
Example data:
# HELP juju_machine_state Running status of juju machines
# TYPE juju_machine_state gauge
juju_machine_state{customer="DOC",hostname="juju-882749-controller-0",job="prometheus-juju-exporter",cloud_name="openstack-cloud-serverstack",juju_model="controller",type="kvm"} 1.0
juju_machine_state{customer="DOC",hostname="juju-882749-controller-3",job="prometheus-juju-exporter",cloud_name="openstack-cloud-serverstack",juju_model="controller",type="kvm"} 1.0
juju_machine_state{customer="DOC",hostname="juju-ad368d-test-0",job="prometheus-juju-exporter",cloud_name="openstack-cloud-serverstack",juju_model="test",type="kvm"} 1.0
juju_machine_state{customer="DOC",hostname="juju-ad368d-test-1",job="prometheus-juju-exporter",cloud_name="openstack-cloud-serverstack",juju_model="test",type="kvm"} 1.0
The charm requires certain configuration options to be set for it to function properly. Until all
required options are configured, the units will remain in Blocked
state. User can examine unit
logs to see which required options are missing from configuration.
In particular, this charm needs juju credentials and endpoint of a Juju controller. This might
seem unnecessary as the charm is already being deployed in the juju environment but the fact is
that the charm unit itself has very little information about the cloud/model/controller that it's
deployed in. On its own, it's not capable of performing any introspection. That's why we need
the credentials, to connect to the controller as a regular juju client. You can create separate
Juju account for this purpose or in the development environments, you can reuse your own
user/password (usually found in ~/.local/share/juju/accounts.yaml
Note: Normally, superuser
privilege is expected for such a user for full access to
the controller. However, in case it is not possible, the minimum privilege requirements are:
access to the controller instance andadmin
access to the model hosting the controlleradmin
access to any model that's expected to be monitored by this exporter
Required options:
(Use juju config prometheus-juju-exporter
to get more information about each option.)
This is currently (#TODO) the only way to deploy this charm as neither the charm nor the snap for the exporter are published in their respective stores.
Clone prometheus-juju-exporter snap and build
the snap using snapcraft
git clone
cd prometheus-juju-exporter/
make build
Clone this repository (if you haven't already) and run make build
NOTE: this repository includes submodules.
It is important that these are checked out before building the charm.
The build
make target will init and update the submodules as a dependency,
or you can manually run make submodules
or use the git submodule
commands directly.
git clone
cd charm-prometheus-juju-exporter/
make build
This is a subordinate charm, so we'll need additional principal charm for its deployment. We can
use the ubuntu
charm for this. We'll also deploy Prometheus
so we can work with collected data.
juju deploy ./prometheus-juju-exporter.charm --resource exporter-snap=<PATH_TO_EXPORTER_SNAP>
juju deploy ubuntu
juju deploy prometheus2
juju relate prometheus-juju-exporter ubuntu
juju relate prometheus2:scrape prometheus-juju-exporter
# (Optional) You can throw in Grafana into the mix
juju deploy grafana
juju relate grafana:grafana-source prometheus2
At this point the unit of prometheus-juju-exporter
should be in Blocked
state as it's missing
crucial configuration options. Following is a sample configuration:
juju config prometheus-juju-exporter \
customer="Test Org" \
cloud-name="Test Cloud" \
controller-url="" \
juju-user=admin \
To make sure that everything works, check status of the unit and try to fetch exported metrics.
$ juju status
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
billing local-lxd localhost/localhost 2.9.33 unsupported 16:44:57+01:00
App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Exposed Message
grafana active 1 grafana stable 59 no Ready
prometheus-juju-exporter active 1 prometheus-juju-exporter 0 no Unit is ready
prometheus2 active 1 prometheus2 stable 33 no Ready
ubuntu 20.04 active 1 ubuntu stable 21 no
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
grafana/0* active idle 2 3000/tcp Ready
prometheus2/0* active idle 1 9090/tcp,12321/tcp Ready
ubuntu/0* active idle 0
prometheus-juju-exporter/0* active idle 5000/tcp Unit is ready
$ curl
# HELP juju_machine_state Running status of juju machines
# TYPE juju_machine_state gauge
juju_machine_state{cloud_name="Test Cloud",customer="Test Org",hostname="juju-be56b1-0",job="prometheus-juju-exporter",juju_model="billing",type="metal"} 1.0
juju_machine_state{cloud_name="Test Cloud",customer="Test Org",hostname="juju-be56b1-1",job="prometheus-juju-exporter",juju_model="billing",type="metal"} 1.0
juju_machine_state{cloud_name="Test Cloud",customer="Test Org",hostname="juju-be56b1-2",job="prometheus-juju-exporter",juju_model="billing",type="metal"} 1.0
juju_machine_state{cloud_name="Test Cloud",customer="Test Org",hostname="juju-d53a52-0",job="prometheus-juju-exporter",juju_model="controller",type="metal"} 1.0
See the Juju SDK documentation for more information about developing and improving charms.