1.0.0-alpha.1 (2022-11-18)
separate variables for bootstrap module
oidc: pass argocd specific oidc configuration as variable
disable Dex by default
oidc: use a different client for CLI
disable Dex by default
move Terraform module at repository root
use var.cluster_info
Add a variable to choose a branch (39e25be )
add bootstrap submodule (98332d3 )
add eks (2c73f76 )
always set argoCD to insecure for provider (c9a7def )
disable Dex by default (8ae2272 )
disable Dex by default (318dd17 )
oidc: pass argocd specific oidc configuration as variable (afe1b10 )
remove k3s and eks submodules, add admin_enabled variable (55094b4 )
Bug Fixes
add default value for oidc (459d4a1 )
argocd_application: set wait=true (989463b )
bootstrap: correct Helm chart path (23a23d6 )
chart: do not hardcode dependencies versions in Chart.yaml (6aa7e5a )
configure OIDC after bootstrap (a18b7ad )
configure OIDC after bootstrap (de69047 )
do not delay Helm values evaluation (ae809cc )
do not delay Helm values evaluation (3026256 )
improve convergence (190e04d )
merge conflict (45e5b54 )
oidc: do not alter default requested scopes (dbf86f5 )
oidc: use a different client for CLI (ded6a3a )
pass server_admin_password as htpassword bcrypt (976e51e )
README (c5415dc )
separate variables for bootstrap module (0cddc54 )
Code Refactoring
move Terraform module at repository root (bcde2e5 )
use var.cluster_info (7f01eca )
Continuous Integration
add central workflows including release-please (#15 ) (92da6a5 )
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