The aim of this plugin is to enhance the usual dashboard by helping admin to define general layout for different system role. A system role is a role that can be assigned system wide (like Manager). For this to work, the global system config parameter $CFG->forcedefaultmymoodle should be set so dashboard are defined globally instead of per user.
Once the plugin has been installed, and set up (see initial install and requirements), you can go as an administrator to Appearance > Default Dashboard. You will see a new drop down menu at the top of the page, that will allow you to select a role (the list of roles is taken from roles that are assignable system wide).
Once you have selected a role, you can add and remove blocks as you would do for the default dashboard page. Each role will have a different set of block, and include blocks defined when selecting the "All roles" options.
This plugin uses two global flags that need to be added into the config.php file. This means that you have direct access to the Moodle installation.
- $CFG->forcedefaultmymoodle: this will force the dashboard to be globally defined and then editable through Appearance > Default Dashboard page. Set it to 1.
- $CFG->customscripts: this is used to the local/dash_by_role/customscripts folder
So in summary, add the following to your config.php just before the "require_once(DIR . '/lib/setup.php');" line.
$CFG->customscripts = __DIR__ .'/local/dash_by_role/customscripts';
For ease of development, we used the custom context which are marked as "unofficial". See :
So this is not sure current method will be supported in further version (looks that it is still in use in 4.0).