Welcome to 'Eat-Da-Burger' Restaurant! We serve Cheeseburgers, Hamburgers and even Republican Nothing Burgers. Our restaurant is satisfactory.
* npm install
- This installs all required packages from the package.json
* run schema.sql and seed.sql
- Before running 'node server.js', create the database through the provided schema.sql and seed.sql files
* node server.js
- Running this command opens the server and allows the site to begin operating
* Node.js
* Express
* Express Handlebars
* Express
* Express Handlebars
In our restaurant you can choose from our menu of delicious burgers or you can create a custom order. Once the custom order is added to the menu, select 'Eat-Da-Burger' to devour the burger!
Caitlan Jeffrey
Thanks to my Tutor (Isabel) and TA's (Austin and Leah) for helping me through my project!