Irc.FSharp is an IRC client library for F#. It provides a simple framework for connecting to IRC servers, sending and receiving standard IRC messages defined in RFC 2812.
Build Irc.FSharp from the provided .sln file, build.cmd
. The solution is configured for .NET Core 2.2 and F# 4.6 by default.
Irc.FSharp supports an event-based functional reactive API for processing and responding to incoming messages. Using the F# core library's Event
and Observable
operations allows consuming code to filter and split the stream of messages to select those relevant to a command module. IrcClient
implements the basic functionality of an IRC network connection; IrcConnection
encapsulates an IrcClient
, the connection state, and some common features of an IRCv3-compliant client.
#r "Irc.FSharp.dll"
open Irc.FSharp
open System.Windows.Forms
module Program =
let main argv =
// Settings loaded by FSharp.Configuration - for example, a YAML or XML config file
let host = DnsEndPoint(Settings.Irc.Host, Settings.Irc.Port)
let nick, user = Settings.Irc.Nickname, Settings.Irc.Username
let channels = Settings.Irc.Channels
let con = new IrcConnection(host, nick, user, true)
// Transform an incoming message into a response with `Event.choose`, then send it
// Greets the user upon receiving a direct message or a mention in a channel
|> Event.choose(function
| PRIVMSG(Nickname sender, target, message) when target = nick ->
Some <| IrcMessage.privmsg [ sender ] "Hello!"
| PRIVMSG(Nickname sender, ch, message) ->
Some <| IrcMessage.privmsg [ch] (sprintf "Hello %s!" sender)
| _ -> None)
|> Event.add(con.SendMessage)
do con.SendMessage (IrcMessage.join channels)
Irc.FSharp is currently in its alpha stage. It should be expected that there will be bugs, the final shape of the API may change, and some advanced features are incomplete.
Irc.FSharp is available under the MIT license. For more information, see the license file.