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Gabriele Diener committed Aug 30, 2016
2 parents 42001ef + 9a50e88 commit c1a3bed
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Showing 5 changed files with 5,706 additions and 95 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion classes/AeriaCache.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ function & redis(){
try {
return new Predis\Client('tcp://');
$redis = new Predis\Client('tcp://');
return $redis;
} catch(Exception $e){
die('AeriaCacheRedis Error: '.$e->getMessage());
Expand Down
270 changes: 181 additions & 89 deletions classes/AeriaSocial.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,65 +2,73 @@
// Exit if accessed directly.
if( false === defined('AERIA') ) exit;

wp_enqueue_script('', AERIA_URL.'resources/js/', ['jquery']);
wp_enqueue_style('', AERIA_URL.'resources/css/');

AeriaAJAX::register('aeriasocial.get', function(){
if (!isset($_REQUEST['uri'])) {
die(json_encode([ 'error' => 'Please provide a URI' ]));


class AeriaSocial {

public static $services = [];
public static $hash_prefix = 'AERIAS_';
public static $config = [
'cache_ttl'=> 600,
'sharedcount_url' => '',
'sharedcount_apikey'=> '7720b008f401af653af5f3e2bf3141aa32240ee0',
'services'=> [
'cache_ttl' => 600, // in seconds
'services' => [
'facebook' => [ 'claim' => 'Condividi' ],
'twitter' => [ 'claim' => 'Tweet' ],
'gplus' => [ 'claim' => 'Condividi' ],
'linkedin' => [ 'claim' => 'Consiglia' ],
'gplus' => [ 'claim' => 'Condividi' ]

public static function init($config = null) {
if (is_array($config)) static::$config = array_merge(static::$config, $config);
static::$services = array_keys(static::$config['services']);
public static function init($config = []) {
static::$config = array_merge(static::$config, $config);

// Added possibility to use outside of Wordpress
if (defined('ABSPATH')) {

// Install CSS + JS
wp_enqueue_script('', AERIA_URL . 'resources/js/', ['jquery']);
wp_enqueue_style('', AERIA_URL . 'resources/css/');
if (isset(static::$config['apiurl'])) {
wp_localize_script('', 'AERIA_SOCIAL', [ 'URL' => static::$config['apiurl'] ]);

// Install AJAX handler
AeriaAJAX::register('aeriasocial.get', function(){
if (!isset($_REQUEST['uri'])) {
echo json_encode([ 'error' => 'Please provide a URI' ]);

echo json_encode(AeriaSocial::getCount($_REQUEST['uri']));

if (isset(static::$config['apiurl'])) {
wp_localize_script('', 'AERIA_SOCIAL', [ 'URL' => static::$config['apiurl'] ]);

public static function widget($uri, $info=[], $opt=[]) {
public static function widget($uri, $info = [], $opt = []) {
$stats = null;

if (empty($opt['onlyajax'])) {
$stats = static::getViaCacheCount($uri);
$stats = static::getCountForURI($uri, true);

$r = '<header data-hash="' . static::getHash($uri) . '" class="aeriasocial-btns" ' . (is_null($stats) && !isset($opt['nocount']) ? 'data-aeriasocial-needajax="true"' : '') . ' data-aeriasocial-uri="' . $uri . '" ' . '>';
foreach (static::$services as $service) {
$r = '<header class="aeriasocial-btns" ' . (is_null($stats) && !isset($opt['nocount']) ? 'data-aeriasocial-needajax="true"' : '') . ' data-aeriasocial-uri="' . $uri . '" ' . '>';
foreach (array_keys(static::$config['services']) as $service) {
$the_service = static::$config['services'][$service];

$r .= '<div data-aeriasocial-service="' . $service . '" ';
foreach ((array)$info as $k => $v) $r .= ' data-aeriasocial-' . $k . '="' . $v . '" ';
foreach ((array)$info as $k => $v) {
$r .= ' data-aeriasocial-' . $k . '="' . $v . '" ';
$r .= 'class="aeriasocial-btn aeriasocial-btn-' . $service . '">';

$r .= '<a class="aeriasocial-claim">';
$r .= '<i class="aeriasocial-icon">&nbsp;</i>';
$r .= '<span class="aeriasocial-text">' . $the_service['claim'] . '</span>';
$r .= '<i class="aeriasocial-icon">&nbsp;</i>';
$r .= '<span class="aeriasocial-text">' . $the_service['claim'] . '</span>';
$r .= '</a>';

if ( ! isset($opt['nocount'])) {
$r .= '<span class="aeriasocial-count"><i></i><u></u>';
$r .= '<span data-aeriasocial-count>';
if (!is_null($stats)) $r .= (string)$stats['services'][$service];
$r .= '</span>';
$r .= '<span data-aeriasocial-count>';
if (!is_null($stats)) $r .= (string)$stats['services'][$service];
$r .= '</span>';
$r .= '</span>';

Expand All @@ -71,12 +79,12 @@ public static function widget($uri, $info=[], $opt=[]) {
return $r;

public static function widgetOnlyShare($uri, $info=[]) {
public static function widgetOnlyShare($uri, $info = []) {
return static::widget($uri, $info, [ 'nocount' => true ]);

public static function widgetOnlyAjax($uri, $info=[]) {
return static::widget($uri, $info, [ 'onlyajax'=> true ]);
return static::widget($uri, $info, [ 'onlyajax' => true ]);

public static function widgetSum($uri, $info=[], $opt=[]) {
Expand All @@ -92,85 +100,168 @@ public static function widgetSumOnlyAjax($uri, $info) {

protected static function getHash($uri) {
return 'aeriasocial_' . substr(md5($uri), 0, 12);
return md5($uri);

public static function getViaCacheCount($uri) {
if (isset($_GET['__nocache'])) return null;
$hash = static::getHash($uri);
return AeriaCache::get($hash);
public static function getCount($uris, $only_cache = false) {
if (!is_array($uris)) $uris = [ $uris ];

public static function setCacheCount($uri, $data) {
$hash = static::getHash($uri);
AeriaCache::set($data, $hash, false, static::$config['cache_ttl']);
$result = [];
$uris_to_fetch = [];
$hashes = [];

foreach (array_keys(static::$config['services']) as $service_key) {
$uris_to_fetch[ $service_key ] = [];

foreach ($uris as $uri) {
$hashes[ $uri ] = static::getHash($uri);

$data = [
'uri' => $uri,
'hash' => $hashes[ $uri ],
'services' => [],
'errors' => [],
'sum' => 0

foreach (array_keys(static::$config['services']) as $service_key) {
$count = AeriaCache::get(static::$hash_prefix . $hashes[ $uri ] . '_'. $service_key);

if ($count == null || (time() > $count['expire'])) {
if ($only_cache === false) {
$uris_to_fetch[ $service_key ][] = $uri;

$data['services'][ $service_key ] = !is_null($count) ? intval($count['count']) : 0;
$result[ $uri ] = $data;

foreach ($uris_to_fetch as $service_key => $uris_to_fetch_per_service) {
if (empty($uris_to_fetch_per_service)) continue;

$api_data = forward_static_call([ 'static', 'getCountForService' . ucfirst($service_key)], $uris_to_fetch_per_service);

foreach ($uris_to_fetch_per_service as $uri) {

if (isset($api_data['errors'][ $uri ])) {

public static function getViaAPICount($uri) {
return AeriaNetwork::json(static::$config['sharedcount_url'], [
'url' => $uri,
'apikey' => static::$config['sharedcount_apikey']
$result[ $uri ]['errors'][ $service_key ] = $api_data['errors'][ $uri ];

} else if (isset($api_data['count'][ $uri ])) {

$count = $api_data['count'][ $uri ] ?: 0;
if ($count < $result[ $uri ]['services'][ $service_key ]) {
$result[ $uri ]['errors'][ $service_key ] = "Greater count in cache";
} else if ($count > $result[ $uri ]['services'][ $service_key ]) {
$result[ $uri ]['services'][ $service_key ] = $count;

} else {

$result[ $uri ]['errors'][ $service_key ] = "Empty count";


'expire' => time() + static::$config['cache_ttl'],
'count' => $result[ $uri ]['services'][ $service_key ]
], static::$hash_prefix . $hashes[ $uri ] . '_'. $service_key);


foreach ($result as $uri => $data) {

$result[ $uri ]['sum'] = array_reduce($data['services'], function($carry, $item) {
return $carry + intval($item);
}, 0);

'uri' => $uri,
'sum' => $data['sum']
], static::$hash_prefix . 'SUMS_' . $hashes[ $uri ]);


return $result;

public static function getCount($uri) {
if (is_array($uri)) {
return array_map([ 'static', 'getCountSingle' ], $uri);
} else {
return static::getCountSingle($uri);
public static function getCountForServiceEmpty($uris) {
$result = [ 'errors' => [], 'count' => [] ];
foreach ($uris as $uri) {
$result['count'][ $uri ] = 0;
return $result;

public static function getCountSingle($uri) {
try {
$data = static::getViaCacheCount($uri);
public static function getCountForServiceFacebook($uris) {
$result = [ 'errors' => [], 'count' => [] ];

if (is_null($data)) {
$data = static::getViaAPICount($uri);
if (empty($data)) throw new Exception('Empty data');
if (isset($data->Error)) throw new Exception($data->Error);
$url = "" . implode(',', $uris);

$data = static::parseCount($uri, $data);
static::setCacheCount($uri, $data);
if (!empty(static::$config['facebook_app_token'])) {
$url .= "&access_token=" . static::$config['facebook_app_token'];

return $data;
$data = AeriaNetwork::json($url);

} catch (Exception $e) {
return [
'services' => [],
'error' => $e->getMessage()
foreach ($uris as $uri) {
if (isset($data->{$uri}->share->share_count)) {
$result['count'][ $uri ] = intval($data->{$uri}->share->share_count);
} else {
$result['errors'][ $uri ] = "Unable to retrieve share count";

return $result;

protected static function parseCount($uri, $info) {
$r = [];
$r['uri'] = $uri;
$r['services'] = [
'facebook' => $info->Facebook->total_count,
'twitter' => $info->Twitter,
'stumbleupon' => $info->StumbleUpon,
'reddit' => $info->Reddit,
'gplus' => $info->GooglePlusOne,
'pinterest' => $info->Pinterest,
'linkedin' => $info->LinkedIn
$r['sum'] = array_reduce($r['services'], function($carry, $item) { return $carry + $item; }, 0);
return $r;
public static function getCountForServiceLinkedin($uris) {
$result = [ 'errors' => [], 'count' => [] ];

foreach ($uris as $uri) {
$data = AeriaNetwork::json("" . urlencode($uri));

if (isset($data->count)) {
$result['count'][ $uri ] = intval($data->count);
} else {
$result['errors'][ $uri ] = "Unable to retrieve share count";

return $result;

public static function getMostSharedContents() {
if (AeriaCache::$driver !== 'AeriaCacheRedis') {
throw new Exception('You can obtain getMostSharedContents() only with Redis.');
public static function getCountForServiceGplus($uris) {
$result = [ 'errors' => [], 'count' => [] ];

foreach ($uris as $uri) {
$data = AeriaNetwork::send("" . urlencode($uri));

if (preg_match("/{c: (\d+)/", $data, $matches)) {
$result['count'][ $uri ] = intval($matches[1]);
} else {
$result['errors'][ $uri ] = "Unable to retrieve share count";

return $result;

public static function getCountForServiceTwitter($uris) {
return static::getCountForServiceEmpty($uris);

public static function getMostSharedContents() {
$Redis = AeriaCacheRedis::redis();

$keys = $Redis->keys('aeriasocial_*');
$data = array_map(function($key) use ($Redis) {
return unserialize($Redis->get($key));
}, $Redis->keys('aeriasocial_*'));
}, $Redis->keys( static::$hash_prefix . 'SUMS_*' ));

usort($data, function($a, $b) {
return $a['sum'] - $b['sum'];
Expand All @@ -180,3 +271,4 @@ public static function getMostSharedContents() {


8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions resources/js/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,8 +77,6 @@ = (function(){
uri: uri,
}, function(response) {
if ( ! $.isArray(response)) response = [ response ];

$.each(response, function(key, response_per_uri) {
var $t = $('[data-aeriasocial-uri="' + response_per_uri.uri + '"]');

Expand All @@ -88,9 +86,8 @@ = (function(){



self.bind = function() {
$('[data-aeriasocial-uri]').each(function() {
Expand All @@ -101,7 +98,7 @@ = (function(){
self.binded = true;

var st = (document.body || document.documentElement).style;
if (st.transition==null && st.WebkitTransition==null && st.MozTransition==null && st.MsTransition==null && st.OTransition==null) {
if (st.transition == null && st.WebkitTransition == null && st.MozTransition == null && st.MsTransition == null && st.OTransition == null) {

Expand All @@ -122,6 +119,7 @@ = (function(){
popup( $(this) );


Expand Down

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