2337 commits
to master
since this release
General patch release with dozens of bug fixes and more documentation improvements.
See the list below for more information on those changes and more.
- #250 - Removing final to enable mocking this class (by @csokol)
- #248 - OutjectResult are now observing, and not intercepting (by @Turini)
- #246 - Rollback to use Parameter as array (by @garcia-jj)
- #244 - Single managed InterceptorExecutor (by @Turini)
- #245 - Dropping unused test classes (by @Turini)
- #243 - This return and generics are never used (by @Turini)
- #242 - Startup classes should be dependent (by @Turini)
- #233 - Removing debug message when Weld isn't found (by @mariofts)
- #239 - Improving internal and custom interceptor accepts. Closes #216 (by @Turini)
- #241 - removingContainerCache removing container intance cache (by @Turini)
- #240 - Custom and internal accepts validation rule (by @Turini)
- #238 - Removing mock, because it's too hard to use mocked method parameters (by @garcia-jj)
- #237 - weld to 2.1.0.Final (by @Turini)
- #234 - We are using simplelogger for testing (by @garcia-jj)
- #232 - Avoiding mock paranamer (by @garcia-jj)
- #236 - Selenium must used only in test scope (by @garcia-jj)
- #230 - Using Java 7 equals (by @garcia-jj)
- #231 - HeaderParam should use setParameter instead of setAttribute (by @garcia-jj)
- #229 - Avoid find operation when creates cache (by @garcia-jj)
- #226 - Parameter names as list (by @garcia-jj)
- #225 - Using simple stack on stack next executor (by @Turini)
- #224 - Using java7 features (by @garcia-jj)
- #223 - Merging Outjector with ParameterIncluder (by @garcia-jj)
- #215 - Improving new interceptors validation (by @Turini)
- #214 - Removing weld direct dependency on JavaassistProxyfier (by @mariofts)
- #219 - Unnecessary maven plugin (by @garcia-jj)
- #212 - Removing legacy class RoutesConfiguration (by @garcia-jj)
- #211 - Changing IOGI constructor avoid NullPointerException on CDI constructor (by @garcia-jj)
- #210 - Removing deprecated code from XStream (by @garcia-jj)
- #209 - Removing BasicConfiguration. Closes #208 (by @garcia-jj)
- #207 - Changing def CDI constructor (by @garcia-jj)
- #202 - Removing container injection from provider (by @Turini)
- #206 - Using profiles to run jetty easily (by @garcia-jj)
- #205 - Removing maven features that already inhherited from parent pom (by @garcia-jj)
- #200 - Moving Converter interface to converter package (by @Turini)
- #203 - Removing unused params on new interceptor (by @Turini)
- #201 - Excluding cdi scan for br.com.caelum.vraptor.* (by @Turini)
- #199 - Moving Validator interface to validator package (by @Turini)
- #197 - Removing DefaultParameterNameProvider, since paranamer is mandatory (by @garcia-jj)
- #198 - Excluding scan for util packages (by @Turini)
- #196 - Removing unused objects (by @garcia-jj)