1723 commits
to master
since this release
General patch release with dozens of bug fixes and more documentation improvements.
See the list below for more information on those changes and more.
- #461 Moving internal cache to paranamer own cache (by @garcia-jj)
- #460 Moving jodatime to time plugins (by @garcia-jj)
- #458 Allow method chain for Validator methods (by @garcia-jj)
- #454 Do not try to forward if response is commited. Fixes #452 (by @lucascs)
- #455 Observing initialization of AppScoped to get the ServletContext. (by @lucascs)
- #443 comment weld-servlet provided scope (by @Turini)
- #446 Avoid class load twice in the same classloader (by @garcia-jj)
- #450 Can't rely on observers execution order (by @lucascs)
- #448 importing wiki changes (by @Turini)
- #447 adding EN index content on new site (by @Turini)
- #367 Mirror instead invoke dynamic, since uses less memory and cpu (by @garcia-jj)
- #439 Removing ContainerProvider (by @lucascs)
- #440 Removing RequestInfo (by @lucascs)
- #438 dropping unused Routes and DefaultRoutes (by @Turini)
- #436 Simplifying Events (by @lucascs)
- #437 Adding 'EndRequest' event and changing FTDV to listen to it (by @lucascs)
- #435 migrating some cookbooks to vr4 (by @Turini)
- #429 firing StackStarting inside InterceptorStack (by @lucascs)
- #431 Adding javax.inject to blank project, so eclipse can import it properly (by @lucascs)
- #430 Deserializing observing StackStarting. Closes #425 (by @Turini)
- #428 adding link to github milestones. Closes #400 (by @Turini)
- #423 Upload size validation for each file (by @garcia-jj)
- #422 Some minor fixes under container/cdi package (by @garcia-jj)
- #420 Upgrading Hibernate Validator due performance issues (by @garcia-jj)
- #417 changing GUJ.png (color and size) (by @Turini)
- #418 Validate if CDI 1.1 and Servlet 3 (by @garcia-jj)
- #419 Removing ifs and lazy initialization since CDI already do this job (by @garcia-jj)
- #415 Using variables to get core dependency (by @garcia-jj)
- #413 minors on index.html, adding cdi infos and fixing link (by @Turini)
- #411 adding grunt infos on vr-site README (by @Turini)
- #409 EnvironmentType is now a class to allow more flexible environments (by @csokol)
- #414 fixed supports("true ") evaluating to false (by @tiagojco)
- #410 New VRaptor 4 site layout (by @Turini)
- #408 Suppress the warning from tomcat (by @dipold)
- #399 Dropped Jetty plugin (by @garcia-jj)
- #396 Enable paranamer if available in classpath (by @garcia-jj)
- #385 Changing versions (projects and vraptor dependency) to 4.0.0-RC2-SNAPSHOT (by @leocomelli)
- #397 Check for tempdir once (by @garcia-jj)
- #394 Extract linkto class mappping to a method (by @garcia-jj)
- #377 Stringnifier isn't used for anything important (by @garcia-jj)
- #388 Changing version visibility and log level (by @garcia-jj)
- #382 Adding language icons on site (by @Turini)
- #373 Disconnecting Parameter from AnnotatedElement due compilation errors under JDK8 (by @garcia-jj)
- #378 Some fixes on Gson tests (by @garcia-jj)
- #372 Updating commons-fileupload due security fixes (by @garcia-jj)
- #379 changing download version and pt_br text (by @Turini)
- #371 Changing import declarations to help JDK 8 changes (by @garcia-jj)
- #374 Using factory for easily creation of Paranamer provider (by @garcia-jj)
- #375 Using joiner because replace is too uggly (by @garcia-jj)
- #381 Changing url bintray without version (by @vitornp)
- #376 Updating xstream due security issues and other improvements (by @garcia-jj)
- #380 Changing version in README.md (by @Turini)
- #370 Using Guava to group messages (by @garcia-jj)
- #368 Fixing link to home (when pt or en) (by @Turini)