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GenPipes in a container

You can use GenPipes in a Container (GiaC) to run GenPipes on a single machine, on a Torque/PBS cluster or on a SLURM cluster.

If Singularity/Docker is installed on your LINUX machine you are all set, a simple user with no special privilege is enough (no sudo needed).

While you can use (GiaC) to debug GenPipes on your laptop, GenPipes is design to run analysis on Super Computers.

Install a compatible container technology on your machine

Follow installation procedure from the Apptainer install page or the Docker install page.

What exactly is available in that container?

The full tested and integrated C3G/MUGQIC software stack: a complete set of genomics references and bioinformatics software; for more details.

Setup a GiaC environment

You can use this container to test new version of GenPipes. The following documentation is written to install GenPipes 6 and above.

First, clone GenPipes and install it:

git clone --branch <GENPIPES_VERSION> genpipes-<GENPIPES_VERSION>
cd genpipes-<GENPIPES_VERSION>
pip install .

If you prefer to have a virtual environment for GenPipes:

git clone --branch <GENPIPES_VERSION> genpipes-<GENPIPES_VERSION>
cd genpipes-<GENPIPES_VERSION>
python3 -m venv .genpipes_venv
source .genpipes_venv/bin/activate
pip install .

Then, install the wrapper:

genpipes tools get_wrapper

You can now configure the genpipes/resources/container/etc/wrapper.conf file:

# GENPIPES_SHARED_CVMFS should have a sufficient amount of space to load full reference files

GENPIPES_SHARED_CVMFS will hold a cache for GiaC CVMFS system, it will hold the genomes and software being used by GenPipes. This folder will grow with GenPipes usage. You can delete it in between usage, but keep in mind that once deleted it will need to be rebuild by downloading data form the internet.

BIND_LIST is a list of file system, separated by comma, you need GenPipes to have access to, by default, only your $HOME is mounted. For example if you are on an HPC system with a /scratch and /data space, you would have BIND_LIST=/scratch,/data. The string will be fed to Singularity --bind option, see apptainer --help for more details.

GENPIPES_CONTAINERTYPE is the container to use, either apptainer (default), singularity, docker or podman.

GENPIPES_VERSION is the version of GenPipes to use, by default the latest version is used. The version has to be released and installed in cvmfs. Make sure the version chosen is the same as the one you installed otherwise you might have unrecognized arguments or unexpected behavior. If you want to use the local installed version set it to local, see Using a local GenPipes version below. If you want to use a version below 5 see GenPipes 4 in a Container. GenPipes 5 is not working with the container, use GenPipes 6 instead, or GenPipes 4 for deprecated pipelines.

GENPIPES_DIR is the directory where GenPipes is locally cloned. See Using a local GenPipes version below.

You do not need any other setup on your machine.


You will find GenPipes detailed documentation here.

On SLURM or PBS/torque HPC

Read the GenPipes documentation, follow guidelines there to launch a GenPipes pipeline (from outside the container) and add the --wrap option so GenPipes will wrap all its command with the container instrumentation.

On a single machine.

With the wrapper

Read the GenPipes documentation, follow guidelines there to launch a GenPipes pipeline and add the --wrap, -j batch and --no-json options. In that case you'll NOT use any scheduler system and GenPipes analysis might be longer.

You can also run the genpipes/resources/container/bin/ command to get inside the container with the right configuration. You will then have access to all the GenPipes tools be able to run them directly inside the container, on a single host WITHOUT the --wrap option. To use a GenPipes version other than latest run genpipes/resources/container/bin/ -V <VERSION>.

Without the wrapper

To use a GenPipes version other than latest add -V <VERSION> at the end of one of the command below. To test a cloned version, set -V local and mount the cloned directory with the right command. See detail in each section.

Using Apptainer

With GENPIPES_SHARED_CVMFS being the cache directory on the host, BIND_LIST the file system to be accessed by GenPipes, {IMAGE_PATH}/genpipes.sif the latest sif file released. To use the cloned version, mount the directory with -B ${GENPIPES_DIR}:/genpipes option.

 apptainer run \
  --cleanenv \
  -S /var/run/cvmfs \
  -B ${GENPIPES_SHARED_CVMFS}:/cvmfs-cache \
  -B "$BIND_LIST" \
  --fusemount "container:cvmfs2 /cvmfs/" \
  --fusemount "container:cvmfs2 soft.mugqic /cvmfs/soft.mugqic"   \
  --fusemount "container:cvmfs2 ref.mugqic /cvmfs/ref.mugqic" \

Using Singularity

With GENPIPES_SHARED_CVMFS being the cache directory on the host, BIND_LIST the file system to be accessed by GenPipes, {IMAGE_PATH}/genpipes.sif the latest sif file released. To use the cloned version, mount the directory with -B ${GENPIPES_DIR}:/genpipes option.

 singularity run \
  --cleanenv \
  -S /var/run/cvmfs \
  -B ${GENPIPES_SHARED_CVMFS}:/cvmfs-cache \
  -B "$BIND_LIST" \
  --fusemount "container:cvmfs2 /cvmfs/" \
  --fusemount "container:cvmfs2 soft.mugqic /cvmfs/soft.mugqic"   \
  --fusemount "container:cvmfs2 ref.mugqic /cvmfs/ref.mugqic" \

Using Docker

With GENPIPES_SHARED_CVMFS being the cache directory on the host and BIND_LIST the file system to be accessed by GenPipes. To use the cloned version, mount the directory with --mount type=bind,source=${GENPIPES_DIR},target=/genpipes option.

docker run \
  -it \
  --env-file $HOME/.genpipes_env \
  --rm \
  --device /dev/fuse \
  --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
  --tmpfs /var/run/cvmfs:rw \
  -w $PWD \
  -v $PWD:$PWD \
  --mount type=bind,source=${BIND_LIST},target=${BIND_LIST} \
  --mount type=bind,source=${GENPIPES_SHARED_CVMFS},target=/cvmfs-cache \

Using Podman

With GENPIPES_SHARED_CVMFS being the cache directory on the host and BIND_LIST the file system to be accessed by GenPipes. WARNING: Not supported on Mac OS X yet. To use the cloned version, mount the directory with --mount type=bind,source=${GENPIPES_DIR},target=/genpipes,Z option.

podman run \
  -it \
  --env-file $HOME/.genpipes_env \
  --rm \
  --device /dev/fuse \
  --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
  --tmpfs /var/run/cvmfs:rw \
  -w $PWD \
  -v $PWD:$PWD \
  --mount type=bind,source=${BIND_LIST},target=${BIND_LIST},Z \
  --mount type=bind,source=$HOME/cvmfs,target=/cvmfs-cache,Z \

Using a local GenPipes version

If you want to use a local GenPipes version, you can use the GENPIPES_DIR variable in the wrapper.conf file. This variable should point to the directory where GenPipes is installed. The GENPIPES_VERSION variable should be left empty.

# GENPIPES_SHARED_CVMFS should have a sufficient amount of space to load full reference files

GenPipes 4 in a Container

Assuming you have cloned GenPipes 6 or above and installed it following instructions above, you can still use GenPipes 4 in a Container. You have to checkout into the GenPipes 4 version you need and then use the GENPIPES_VERSION variable in the wrapper.conf file. Here is an example with GenPipes 4.6.1 version:

# Change from the cloned released version to version 4.6.1
git checkout 4.6.1
# GENPIPES_VERSION being the initial clone here

Then edit the wrapper.conf file to have:

# GENPIPES_SHARED_CVMFS should have a sufficient amount of space to load full reference files

And then you can run GenPipes 4.6.1 with the --wrap option and with all GenPipes 4.6.1 options. For example with SLURM and ampliconseq pipeline:

$MUGQIC_GENPIPESS_HOME/pipelines/ampliconseq/ -j slurm -r readset.ampliconseq.txt -d design.ampliconseq.txt -c $MUGQIC_GENPIPESS_HOME/pipelines/ampliconseq/ampliconseq.base.ini $MUGQIC_GENPIPESS_HOME/pipelines/common_ini/<cluster>.ini --genpipes_file --wrap

Once the GenPipes file is written you can execute it bash and all you individual job will be wrapped in the container.