Using Dune Analytics to pull out the transactions data for the following contracts for the relevant methods (Sold, AcceptBid, AcceptOffer, ...):
0x41a322b28d0ff354040e2cbc676f0320d8c8850d - SuperRare Token - superrare."SuperRare_evt_*"
0x8c9f364bf7a56ed058fc63ef81c6cf09c833e656 - SuperRare: Auction House
0x2947F98C42597966a0ec25e92843c09ac17Fbaa7 - `no-name contract` - superrare."SuperRareMarketAuction_evt_*"
0x65b49f7aee40347f5a90b714be4ef086f3fe5e2c - SuperRare: Marketplace
0x6D7c44773C52D396F43c2D511B81aa168E9a7a42 - SuperRareBazaar - superrare."SuperRareBazaar_evt_*"
Manually took the JSON response from the Network tab and saved it as a JSON file in the data/raw
(Note: We can do it automatic instead of manual with a request that pulls the data)
the parsed data will include - block_time, buyer, marketplace_contract_address, nft_contract_address, seller, token_id, tx_hash
save the parsed data into data/processed
Output for example - superrare_txs_info.csv
Using the Twitter Service third party we will pull all the tweets for a list of provided queries (e.g.: superrare_search_tweets_1.json
The Twitter Service third party module will use the Advanced Search
functionality of the website's API (the official developer API is restricted to the number of requests that can be made).
Output for example - superrare_tweets_search.csv
For pulling data out of an NFT Service Provider (e.g.: SuperRare) - we will create a new Extractor class implementing the BaseExtractor interface (e.g.: superrare_extractor.py
The extractor will use the transactions and tweets data that were pulled before to pull the relevant NFTs data
Output for example - superrare_nft_info.csv
Provider is a class that implement a BaseProvider interface and exports API to query an NFT Service Provider loaded data (e.g.: superrare_provider.py
============================== Methods are the logics of matching between Twitter accounts and Ethereum wallets addresses using a provided transactions, tweets, NFT provider instance and an additional method-specific configurable parameters Any method is going to implement the BaseMethod interface.
Methods for example:
- BotMethod - parsing all the tweets of a specific bot account that tweets about NFT transacations.
- UsernameMethod - match between Twitter accounts' usernames and the NFT Service Provider's (e.g.: SuperRare) usernames
Using the pulled and parsed data and the Methods that we created we can match between Twitter accounts and their Ethereum's wallet address.
The matching process uses a config file that mentions all the relevant data frame files (transactions, tweets, and NFTs) and the Methods to use with their special params (e.g.: superrare_matching_analysis.json
Analysis for example - superrare_wallets_twitter_match.ipynb