Simplified Cooporative Society application for businesses and companies based on laravel - vue.JS
# Below the list of modules we covered for the basic opensource tool- Dashboard
- Clients
- Products
- Category
- Product Units
- Products
- Loans
- Contrbutions
- Expenses
- Purchases
- Payments
- Reports
- Client Statement
- Revenue By Client
- Settings
- Currencies
- Company Profile
- Payment Method
- Tax Rates
- System Settings
There are few main modules and several submodules. In #Dashboard it shows all loans, contributions and purchases at a glance
npm install node-sass --nodedir=/usr/local This cmd is used for install node_module folder. It support's npm run watch(To run the project)
create .env file and also add the databasename, username and password.
For example: APP_NAME=Laravel
- php artisan migrate -- This cmd is used to create the table in database
- php artisan passport:install -- it is used to install passport
- php artisan key:generate -- it is used to key generate
- php artisan db:seed -- it is used to fill some data automatically
The #composer update is a command that used to update the composer in the project. In this composer update it will add the new features or packages in vendor folder which is updated in JSON file
To run the project use the command #npm run watch