"Transit + OSMnx"
by Filip Wodnicki
Final project submission for:
Harvard Extension School
Advanced Python for Data Science (CSCI E-29)
Spring 2021
Google Maps | Transit + OSMnx |
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On the left are these google map directions, on the right are the same multi-modal transit directions built with transit + osmnx.
- Project documentation
- Presentation slides
- Presentation video (Section 5 May 2021, 1:30PM EST) Harvard Extension access only
- Piazza post Harvard Extension access only
Please see Project docs for more info!
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
The main deliverable for your final project is the documentation you provide here, in this repo, and where it is build.
We will be using Sphinx to build static documentation for your project, including any overview writeup, etc.
Sphinx is trivial to set up. You can use a cookiecutter template that includes Sphinx, eg cookiecutter-pypackage, or just follow the quickstart.
Whether or not you actually add your main project code to this repository is up to you. Because we cannot assume you can deliver your code entirely to us (and it would be hard for us to evaluate, anyways), you should treat the deliverable here more like a paper than a code submission.
Please 'document' your project using Sphinx, a static site generator, to build an HTML page that describes your project.
Requirements are loose due to project flexibility, but as a guideline you should include:
An intro page to the problem
An overview of your solution
Ideally some diagram of the architecture
Tangible snippets of python code in your discussion
Some amount of sphinx autodoc, either from your 'real' code, or from toy snippets you include to describe your approach, and some other sphinx cross references.
A conclusion of the main learnings or contributions of your project
Your Science Fair presentation should be similar to the content in the writeup, but the writeup is your chance to go deeper into the topics and really explain/demonstrate etc in more depth.
It is easy to build sphinx documentation locally, but that is not good enough for sharing. You need to find a way to share your write up with us! You have a few options.
The biggest decision is whether you want your documentation and/or this repo to be publicly viewable.
Note: you still need to 'submit' your assignment via CI/CD, just to ensure we have the correct commit/tag of your repo, even if RTD/Github is doing most of the build. However, there is no explicit need for testing.
It is very easy to publish sphinx docs on Read the Docs! The only caveat is that it requires your repo to be public (that's fine from the teaching staff's point of view) and your docs will be public too. Go ahead and sign up, hook up your repo, and you are good to go!
Github also can publish a webpage for you, based on sphinx in your repo. The Pages will be publicly viewable, but your repo can remain private. Here is one example walkthrough.
Feel free to find another way to publish your docs! We just require that it use Sphinx and is automatically built from your master branch using CI/CD.
If you are not comfortable publishing your documentation publicly, you can still build your sphinx project in CI/CD, zip up the build artifact, and upload that to Canvas. Your submission in this case will be the zipped html rather than the link to this repo; ensure you still have the repo link in the submission comments.