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donotdespair committed Jan 18, 2024
1 parent 088903a commit ad66aab
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106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions R/estimate.BSVARSIGN.R
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#' @title Bayesian estimation of a homoskedastic Structural Vector Autoregression via Gibbs sampler
#' @description Estimates the homoskedastic SVAR using the Gibbs sampler proposed by Waggoner & Zha (2003)
#' for the structural matrix \eqn{B} and the equation-by-equation sampler by Chan, Koop, & Yu (2021)
#' for the autoregressive slope parameters \eqn{A}. Additionally, the parameter matrices \eqn{A} and \eqn{B}
#' follow a Minnesota prior and generalised-normal prior distributions respectively with the matrix-specific
#' overall shrinkage parameters estimated using a hierarchical prior distribution.
#' See section \bold{Details} for the model equations.
#' @details
#' The homoskedastic SVAR model is given by the reduced form equation:
#' \deqn{Y = AX + E}
#' where \eqn{Y} is an \code{NxT} matrix of dependent variables, \eqn{X} is a \code{KxT} matrix of explanatory variables,
#' \eqn{E} is an \code{NxT} matrix of reduced form error terms, and \eqn{A} is an \code{NxK} matrix of autoregressive slope coefficients and parameters on deterministic terms in \eqn{X}.
#' The structural equation is given by
#' \deqn{BE = U}
#' where \eqn{U} is an \code{NxT} matrix of structural form error terms, and
#' \eqn{B} is an \code{NxN} matrix of contemporaneous relationships.
#' Finally, the structural shocks, \code{U}, are temporally and contemporaneously independent and jointly normally distributed with zero mean and unit variances.
#' @param specification an object of class BSVAR generated using the \code{specify_bsvar$new()} function.
#' @param S a positive integer, the number of posterior draws to be generated
#' @param thin a positive integer, specifying the frequency of MCMC output thinning
#' @param show_progress a logical value, if \code{TRUE} the estimation progress bar is visible
#' @return An object of class PosteriorBSVAR containing the Bayesian estimation output and containing two elements:
#' \code{posterior} a list with a collection of \code{S} draws from the posterior distribution generated via Gibbs sampler containing:
#' \describe{
#' \item{A}{an \code{NxKxS} array with the posterior draws for matrix \eqn{A}}
#' \item{B}{an \code{NxNxS} array with the posterior draws for matrix \eqn{B}}
#' \item{hyper}{a \code{5xS} matrix with the posterior draws for the hyper-parameters of the hierarchical prior distribution}
#' }
#' \code{last_draw} an object of class BSVAR with the last draw of the current MCMC run as the starting value to be passed to the continuation of the MCMC estimation using \code{estimate()}.
#' @author Tomasz Woźniak \email{}
#' @references Sampling from the generalised-normal full conditional posterior distribution of matrix \eqn{B} is implemented using the Gibbs sampler by:
#' Waggoner, D.F., and Zha, T., (2003) A Gibbs sampler for structural vector autoregressions. \emph{Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control}, \bold{28}, 349--366, \doi{}.
#' Sampling from the multivariate normal full conditional posterior distribution of each of the \eqn{A} matrix row is implemented using the sampler by:
#' Chan, J.C.C., Koop, G, and Yu, X. (2021) Large Order-Invariant Bayesian VARs with Stochastic Volatility.
#' @method estimate BSVARSIGN
#' @export
estimate.BSVARSIGN <- function(specification, S, thin = 10, show_progress = TRUE) {

# get the inputs to estimation
prior = specification$prior$get_prior()
starting_values = specification$starting_values$get_starting_values()
VB = specification$identification$get_identification()
data_matrices = specification$data_matrices$get_data_matrices()

# estimation
qqq = .Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_bsvar_sign_cpp`, S, data_matrices$Y, data_matrices$X, VB, prior, starting_values, thin, show_progress)

output = specify_posterior_bsvarSIGN$new(specification, qqq$posterior)

# normalise output
BB = qqq$last_draw$B
BB = diag(sign(diag(BB))) %*% BB
normalise_posterior(output, BB)


#' @inherit estimate.BSVARSIGN
#' @method estimate PosteriorBSVARSIGN
#' @param specification an object of class PosteriorBSVARSIGN generated using the \code{estimate.BSVARSIGN()} function.
#' This setup facilitates the continuation of the MCMC sampling starting from the last draw of the previous run.

#' @export
estimate.PosteriorBSVARSIGN <- function(specification, S, thin = 10, show_progress = TRUE) {

# get the inputs to estimation
prior = specification$last_draw$prior$get_prior()
starting_values = specification$last_draw$starting_values$get_starting_values()
VB = specification$last_draw$identification$get_identification()
data_matrices = specification$last_draw$data_matrices$get_data_matrices()

# estimation
qqq = .Call(`_bsvarSIGNs_bsvar_sign_cpp`, S, data_matrices$Y, data_matrices$X, VB, prior, starting_values, thin, show_progress)

output = specify_posterior_bsvarSIGN$new(specification$last_draw, qqq$posterior)

# normalise output
BB = qqq$last_draw$B
BB = diag(sign(diag(BB))) %*% BB
normalise_posterior(output, BB)

62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions man/estimate.BSVARSIGN.Rd

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63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions man/estimate.PosteriorBSVARSIGN.Rd

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