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Merge pull request #51 from broadinstitute/dp-trim
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bump viral-core and add NCBI's end-trimming script
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dpark01 authored Feb 3, 2025
2 parents 42f3182 + 78642d9 commit 12d161a
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Showing 3 changed files with 292 additions and 2 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions Dockerfile
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

LABEL maintainer ""

Expand All @@ -7,13 +7,16 @@ ENV VIRAL_ASSEMBLE_PATH=$INSTALL_PATH/viral-assemble
COPY requirements-conda.txt $VIRAL_ASSEMBLE_PATH/
RUN $VIRAL_NGS_PATH/docker/ $VIRAL_ASSEMBLE_PATH/requirements-conda.txt $VIRAL_NGS_PATH/requirements-conda.txt

# workaround
ENV PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:/opt/miniconda/envs/viral-ngs-env/share/sequip-0.10/lib

# Copy all source code into the base repo
# (this probably changes all the time, so all downstream build
# layers will likely need to be rebuilt each time)

# Link key bits of python code into the path

# This not only prints the current version string, but it
# also saves it to the VERSION file for later use and also
Expand Down
284 changes: 284 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Bio::Easel::MSA;
use Bio::Easel::SqFile;
require "";
require "";

my $usage;
$usage = "\n\n";
$usage .= "Usage:\n\n";
$usage .= "perl [OPTIONS] <fasta file>\n\n";
$usage .= "OPTIONS:\n";
$usage .= " --minlen <n> : min allowed sequence length after trimming [default (df): 1]\n";
$usage .= " --maxlen <n> : max allowed sequence length after trimming [df: 1Gb]\n";
$usage .= " --sfx <s> : suffix to add to each sequence name is <s> [df: do not change names]\n";
$usage .= " --strict : die (instead of skipping a seq) if any seq is not within minlen..maxlen range after trimming\n";
$usage .= "\nAlternatively, use the --3rules option to trim using a more sophisticated method that removes\n";
$usage .= "terminal nucleotides (nts) using the following three rules:\n\n";

$usage .= "Rule 1. remove the 10 terminal nts if > <n1> ambiguous nt exist in 10 terminal nt (<n1> from --ten <n1>)\n";
$usage .= "Rule 2. remove the 50 terminal nts if > <n2> ambiguous nt exist in 50 terminal nt (<n2> from --fifty <n2>)\n";
$usage .= "Continue to enforce rule 1 until it no longer applies, then enforce rule 2 and if rule 2 applies\n";
$usage .= "we go back and try to apply rule 1 again, and continue until neither rule 1 or 2 applies. Then\n";
$usage .= "move on to rule 3.\n";

$usage .= "Rule 3. remove all terminal ambiguous nt (such that sequence starts/ends with non-ambiguous nt)\n\n";
$usage .= "Then output sequence only if it has length between the minimum and maximum (from --minlen and\n";
$usage .= "--maxlen) and is less than <f> fraction Ns (<f> from --maxfrac <f>).\n\n";

$usage .= "Options related to the alternative '3 rules' strategy:\n";
$usage .= " --3rules : use the 3 rules strategy described above [df: do not]\n";
$usage .= " --ten <n> : max number of ambiguous nucleotides allowed in first/final 10 [df: 5]\n";
$usage .= " --fifty <n> : max number of ambiguous nucleotides allowed in first/final 50 [df: 15]\n";
$usage .= " --maxfrac <f>: max allowed fraction of sequence that can be Ns after trimming [df: 0.5]\n";

# set defaults, for SC2 processing, GenBank used min of 50 and max of 30000 (as of May 2021)
my $minlen = 1;
my $maxlen = 1000000000; # 1Gb

my $sfx = undef;
my $do_strict = 0;
my $do_3rules = 0; # set to 1 if --3rules used

# variables only relevant if --3rules is used
my $df_ten_max_ambig = 5;
my $df_fifty_max_ambig = 15;
my $df_maxfrac_Ns = 0.5;
my $ten_max_ambig = undef;
my $fifty_max_ambig = undef;
my $maxfrac_Ns = undef;

&GetOptions( "minlen=s" => \$minlen,
"maxlen=s" => \$maxlen,
"sfx=s" => \$sfx,
"strict" => \$do_strict,
"3rules" => \$do_3rules,
"ten=s" => \$ten_max_ambig,
"fifty=s" => \$fifty_max_ambig,
"maxfrac=s"=> \$maxfrac_Ns);

if(scalar(@ARGV) != 1) { die $usage; }
my ($fasta_file) = @ARGV;

# enforce --3rules related options only used if --3rules also used
if(! $do_3rules) {
if(defined $ten_max_ambig) {
die "ERROR, using --ten only makes sense if --3rules is also used";
if(defined $fifty_max_ambig) {
die "ERROR, using --fifty only makes sense if --3rules is also used";
if(defined $maxfrac_Ns) {
die "ERROR, using --maxfrac only makes sense if --3rules is also used";
if(! defined $ten_max_ambig) {
$ten_max_ambig = $df_ten_max_ambig;
if(! defined $fifty_max_ambig) {
$fifty_max_ambig = $df_fifty_max_ambig;
if(! defined $maxfrac_Ns) {
$maxfrac_Ns = $df_maxfrac_Ns;

# enforce ranges that make sense for options
if($minlen < 0) {
die "ERROR with --minlen <n>, <n> must be >= 0";
if($maxlen < 0) {
die "ERROR with --maxlen <n>, <n> must be >= 0";
if(($ten_max_ambig < 0) || ($ten_max_ambig >= 10)) {
die "ERROR with --ten <n>, <n> must in range [0..9]";
if(($fifty_max_ambig < 0) || ($fifty_max_ambig >= 50)) {
die "ERROR with --ten <n>, <n> must in range [0..49]";
if($minlen > $maxlen) {
die "ERROR with --minlen <n1> and --maxlen <n2>, <n1> must not be greater than <n2>";
if($ten_max_ambig > $fifty_max_ambig) {
die "ERROR with --ten <n1> and --fifty <n2>, <n1> must not be greater than <n2>";
if(($maxfrac_Ns < -0.00001) || ($maxfrac_Ns > 1.00001)) {
die "ERROR with --maxfrac <f>, <f> must be between 0 and 1";

if(! -s $fasta_file) {
die "ERROR fasta file $fasta_file does not exist or is empty";

# determine number of sequences in file
my $nseq = `grep ^\\> $fasta_file | wc -l`;
chomp $nseq;
$nseq =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading whitespace
$nseq =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing whitespace
if($nseq !~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/) {
die "ERROR could not determine number of sequences in file using grep and wc";

# open Bio::Easel SqFile object
my $sqfile = Bio::Easel::SqFile->new({ fileLocation => $fasta_file }); # the sequence file object

my $fasta_seq = undef;
my @fasta_seq_A = ();
my ($header, $sqstring, $out_header) = (undef, undef, undef);

# for each sequence, remove Ns and output to STDOUT
for(my $i = 0; $i < $nseq; $i++) {
$fasta_seq = $sqfile->fetch_consecutive_seqs(1, "", -1); # -1: unlimited line length
@fasta_seq_A = split(/\n/, $fasta_seq);
if(scalar(@fasta_seq_A) != 2) {
die "ERROR fetching sequence, could not split into header and sequence lines:\n$fasta_seq\n";
($header, $sqstring) = (@fasta_seq_A);

# add sfx to sequence name, if --sfx used
if(defined $sfx) {
if($header =~ /^\>(\S+)(\s*.*)$/) {
$out_header = ">" . $1 . $sfx . $2;
else {
die "ERROR unable to parse header line:\n$header\n";
else { # --sfx not used
$out_header = $header;

# two modes:
# ! do_3rules (--3rules not used): remove leading and trailing ambigs only
# do_3rules (--3rules): enforce the three rules

if(! $do_3rules) {
$sqstring =~ s/^[^ACGTUacgtu]+//; # remove any 5'-terminal ambiguous nts
$sqstring =~ s/[^ACGTUacgtu]+$//; # remove any 3'-terminal ambiguous nts
else {
# --3rules used, enforce the 3 rules
# We trim the sequence at 5' end, then reverse it and trim at 3' end
# (this makes it so we can reuse same code for both ends)
# then reverse it back and output it (if there's any sequence left after trimming)
$sqstring = trim_5p_end_using_three_rules($sqstring, $ten_max_ambig, $fifty_max_ambig);
##printf("5' trimmed length: %d\n", length($sqstring));
if($sqstring ne "") {
$sqstring = reverse($sqstring);
$sqstring = trim_5p_end_using_three_rules($sqstring, $ten_max_ambig, $fifty_max_ambig);
##printf("3' trimmed length: %d\n", length($sqstring));
if($sqstring ne "") { # reverse it back to original forward direction
$sqstring = reverse($sqstring);
my $seqlen = length($sqstring);
my $n_N = () = $sqstring =~ /[Nn]/g; # count Ns
my $frac_N = ($seqlen > 0) ? ($n_N / $seqlen) : 0.;

if(($seqlen < $minlen) || # too short (after trimming)
($seqlen > $maxlen) || # too long (after trimming)
(($do_3rules) && ($frac_N > $maxfrac_Ns))) { # --3rules used and too many Ns (after trimming)
# do not output sequence
if(! $do_strict) {
; # --strict not used, it's ok to skip seqs, do nothing
else {
# --strict used, it's not ok to skip seqs, die
if($seqlen < $minlen) {
die "ERROR sequence with the header line below is too short (after trimming) length is $seqlen minlen is $minlen.\n$header\n";
elsif($seqlen > $maxlen) {
die "ERROR sequence with the header line below is too short (after trimming) length is $seqlen minlen is $minlen.\n$header\n";
else {
die "ERROR sequence with the header line below has too many Ns (after trimming) fraction Ns is $frac_N, max allowed is $maxfrac_Ns\n$header\n";
else {
# $sqstring is not too short, not too long, and doesn't have too many Ns (if --3rules)
print $out_header . "\n";
print seq_SqstringAddNewlines($sqstring, 60);

exit 0;

# Subroutine: trim_5p_end_using_three_rules()
# Incept: EPN, Wed Apr 7 07:22:43 2021
# Purpose: Given a sequence string <$sqstring>, remove ambiguous
# nts from the 5' end the same way that GenBank processing
# does, using 3 rules:
# while any rule results in trimming:
# - rule 1: remove the 10 5'-most nt if > $ten_max_ambig
# ambiguous nt exist in 10 5'-most nt [5 by default]
# - rule 2: remove the 50 5'-most nt if > $fifty_max_ambig
# ambiguous nt exist in 50 5'-most nt [15 by default]
# - rule 3: after rule 1 and rule 2 trimming is finished,
# trim terminal ambiguous nucleotides before returning.
# Arguments:
# $sqstring: the nucleotide sequence string
# $ten_max_ambig: max number of ambiguous nucleotides allowed in first 10
# $fifty_max_ambig: max number of ambiguous nucleotides allowed in first 50
# Returns: the input <$sqstring> trimmed as above, or "" if none is left after trimming
sub trim_5p_end_using_three_rules {
my $sub_name = "trim_5p_end_using_three_rules";
my $nargs_expected = 3;
if(scalar(@_) != $nargs_expected) { printf STDERR ("ERROR, $sub_name entered with %d != %d input arguments.\n", scalar(@_), $nargs_expected); exit(1); }

my ($sqstring, $ten_max_ambig, $fifty_max_ambig) = @_;

my $keep_going = 1;
my ($next_10, $next_50, $nambig, $trim_offset);
my $ntrimmed = 0;
while(($keep_going) && ($sqstring ne "")) {
$keep_going = 0; # set to 1 if we use any rules below
# rule 1: remove the 10 5'-most nt if > $ten_max_ambig ambiguous nt exist in 10 5'-most nt
$next_10 = substr($sqstring, 0, 10);
$nambig = () = $next_10 =~ /[^ACGTUacgtu]/g;
if($nambig > $ten_max_ambig) {
# determine how many to trim, stop trimming at final ambig char in region
# remove all non-ambiguous nt from the end to determine length to trim
$next_10 =~ s/[ACGTUacgtu]+$//;
$trim_offset = length($next_10);

$ntrimmed += $trim_offset;
##printf("nambig: $nambig, trimming $trim_offset: %s (ntrimmed: $ntrimmed)\n", substr($sqstring, 0, $trim_offset));

$sqstring = substr($sqstring, $trim_offset);
$keep_going = 1;
# rule 2: remove the 50 5'-most nt if > $fifty_max_ambig ambiguous nt exist in 50 5'-most nt
if(! $keep_going) { # only enforce this rule if we didn't use rule 1
$next_50 = substr($sqstring, 0, 50);
$nambig = () = $next_50 =~ /[^ACGTUacgtu]/g;
if($nambig > $fifty_max_ambig) {
# determine how many to trim, stop trimming at final ambig char in region
# remove all non-ambiguous nt from the end to determine length to trim
$next_50 =~ s/[ACGTUacgtu]+$//;
$trim_offset = length($next_50);

$ntrimmed += $trim_offset;
##printf("nambig: $nambig, trimming $trim_offset: %s (ntrimmed: $ntrimmed)\n", substr($sqstring, 0, $trim_offset));
$sqstring = substr($sqstring, $trim_offset);
$keep_going = 1;

# finally, trim any leading (terminal) ambiguities
$sqstring =~ s/^[^ACGTUacgtu]+//;

return $sqstring;

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions requirements-conda.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,4 +9,7 @@ sourmash-minimal>=4.8.6 ## see below
sourmash_plugin_branchwater>=0.9.1 ## running into resolver problems at least with our current version of python
#kwip>=0.2.0 ## relies on khmer, which as of 2024-03-12 does not support python 3.10
# Perl packages below
# Python packages below

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