A python package for reading/writing to the gumbo database
Note: the client has been switched to the v2 of the client which works very differently. The installation instructions below have changed
If using poetry, run:
poetry source add --priority=supplemental public-python https://us-central1-python.pkg.dev/cds-artifacts/public-python/simple/
poetry add --source public-python gumbo-rest-client
Otherwise, if you don't use poetry, install via pip
pip install --extra-index-url=https://us-central1-python.pkg.dev/cds-artifacts/public-python/simple/ gumbo-rest-client
This repo now only contains the new version of the gumbo client which no longer makes direct connections to the database but instead uses a hosted service. From the users perspective this just means:
- Simpler setup (no need to download the proxy, and debug differing versions)
- No need for the client to launch a separate task in the background
- Fewer connection errors
To use the new client, first run gcloud auth application-default login
to set up your google credentials which will be used as the default app credientials.
Afterwards, you should be able to import Client
from gumbo_rest_client
and then use it as you normally would to read tables such as in the below:
from gumbo_rest_client import Client
client = Client()
df = client.get("depmap_model_type")
If you're writing a script which should use a service account instead of your user credentials, make sure the service account is set up to be the default app credentials (setting GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
if necessary) and then use the following code to create the client:
from gumbo_rest_client import Client, create_authorized_session
client = Client(username="my_script_name",
df = client.get("depmap_model_type")
If you want to test against the staging version, provide a different base_url
from gumbo_rest_client import Client, staging_url
client = Client(base_url=staging_url)
df = client.get("depmap_model_type")
Read or write from the following tables:
- model
- model_condition
- omics_profile
- omics_sequencing
- screen
- screen_sequence
The client will autocommit changes after insertions or updates.
from gumbo_rest_client import Client
client = Client()
# to read
df = client.get("table_name")
# to only update existing rows:
client.update_only("table_name", df) # throws an exception if a given row doesn't already exist
# to only insert new rows:
client.insert_only("table_name", new_rows_df) # throws an exception if a given row already exists
# finally, close the database connection
If you get a "Bad Request" error while trying to create the client (client = Client()
- Make sure you are logged in with Broad Google account, not a service account. You can check by running
gcloud auth list
- It's possible you have previously set application-default credentials set which are overriding your main user credentials.
You can try resetting the application default credentials by running
cloud auth application-default login
and logging in with your Broad Google account.
If you get an error about "Unable to acquire impersonated credentials ... PERMISSION_DENIED ... iam.serviceAccounts.getAccessToken" you are probably missing a required permission. Make sure your account has been granted "Service Account Token Creator" access on the service account gumbo-client-iap-auth@depmap-gumbo.iam.gserviceaccount.com.
If you are writing your script to run from a non-interactive process, you will need a service account for it to run under and initialize the client. This service account will need to be granted access to the API via IAP permissions. To grant, go to https://console.cloud.google.com/security/iap?referrer=search&project=depmap-gumbo and grant the "IAP Secured Web App User" role to the service account on the resource "rest-api-v2" (for the production instance) and "rest-api-v2-staging" (for the staging instance).
Also, you should pass in a useful label for username so we know the source of the updates when they are recorded to the audit log.
The codebase is organized into a few different python modules, some of which have dependencies on one another.
After checking out repo, make sure to run ./all_install.sh
to create a
poetry environment for each one.
In the parent run ./all_tests.sh
to run all tests. Alternatively you can
to a particular module and run the tests for that module via poetry run pytest
There's nothing in this repo that is private or secret, however, this is an internal tool, so it doesn't seem like it should be published on Pypi. Instead we can publish to an internal package index.
To setup for publishing (Based on https://medium.com/google-cloud/python-packages-via-gcps-artifact-registry-ce1714f8e7c1 )
poetry self add keyrings.google-artifactregistry-auth
poetry config repositories.public-python https://us-central1-python.pkg.dev/cds-artifacts/public-python/
# also make sure you've authentication via "gcloud auth login" if you haven't already
And then you can publish via:
poetry publish --build --repository public-python