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Brent Thorne edited this page Nov 8, 2019 · 8 revisions


posterdown_betterland generates a landscape oriented conference poster based on Mike Morrison's #betterposter design. The default template is simple and intuitive to use but has many options that can be used to make the poster your own!

Quick Start


This poster design has two distinct sections, (1) the main section and (2) the body. The main section contains the large statement made to summarize the poster's take away message as described by Mike Morrison in this video. The body contains the typical content of the poster such as the introduction paragraph, figures, tables etc.


YAML Option Default Value Description
title "A Better Reproducible Poster Title" A title for the poster, to be placed in the top left of the poster's body section if used. If not used then all content will push up and avoid having whitespace where the title would have been!
poster_height "32in" Height in inches of the poster.
poster_width "46in" Width in inches of the poster.
font_family 'Rasa' Font family for the poster text. Standard HTML fonts or google fonts can be used.
author none List of authors for the poster. List of sub options per author can include:

name: - Full name of the author.
affil: - Author affiliation number or symbol to match the affiliation options.
main: - If main: true then then this author will be emphasized in the list and will also display email and twitter values if given for said author.
orcid: - ORCID for an author.
twitter: - Twitter account for author, should not include the @ symbol. For example, my twitter account would be twitter: brentthorne18.
email: - Email address for the author.

All of these are optional other than the actual name.
affiliation none Affiliations to match with the authors. If an author has an affil: 1, then the affiliation should have the num: 1 as well. The only other sub option is the address which is where you write the string containing the actual affiliation. If you whish to have a "corresponding author" tag just add the symbol in the num option and write "Corresponding Author" in the address feild.

Main Colour Scheme

YAML Option Default Value Description
primary_colour "#008080" Main colour used for poster design.
secondary_colour "#0b4545" Secondary colour use for poster design.
accent_colour "#cc0000" A third colour option for adding some "pop" to the poster colour palette.

Further Customization

Main Section

YAML Option Default Value Description
main_width 0.5 Width of the main section on the poster. Use a value between 0 and 1 to represent a percentage of the width of the poster which the main section will span. This will automatically adjust the two outer columns to fit accordingly. See issue #106 for example.
main_fontfamily "Special Elite" Font family for the main text generated using the main_findings: option. Standard HTML fonts or google fonts can be used.
main_textcol "#FFFFFF90" Text colour for the main findings text. Can use HEX values as well as extra 2 digits for transparency if desired.
main_textsize "170px" Font size for the main text generated by main_findings:.
main_findings none String containing the sentence found in the main section of the poster which is the "take home message". There can be multiple sentences used and you can even add an image in there (see the latest template for example) if you wish to emphasis a final figure of something along those lines.
main_picwidth "100%" width of any image you give the class .main_pic to.

If you add an image to the main findings section you can use this notation to add this class to it: ![](path/to/your/image){.main_pic} .

This will allow for the main_picwidth value to be used to size your image as needed. You can use percentage or exact measurments the same as you would with any CSS width option.
logoleft_name none Path to the image file or url if you wish to include a logo in the bottom left corner of the main section.
logoright_name none Path to the image file or url if you wish to include a logo in the bottom right corner of the main section.

Body Section

YAML Option Default Value Description
body_bgcol "#FFFFFF" Background colour of the poster's body.
body_textsize "45px" Size of any paragraph text found in the poster.
body_textcol "#000000" Colour of the body text.
title_textsize "125pt" Text size for the poster title if title is given.
author_textsize "1.17em" Text size for author output (this is only for the option where author has main: true).
author_textcol none Colour of the author text. Use hex values for easiest use. Will overrule the 'primary' colour if set.
authorextra_textsize "35px" Text size of all author names if they are note listed as main:true.
affiliation_textsize "25px" Text size of the affiliation output.
affiliation_textcol '#00000060' Colour of the affiliation text output.
caption_textsize "20pt" Text size for any caption text generated by figures or tables in the document.
reference_textsize "20px" Text size of the automated Reference section if used.
column_padding "10mm" Padding size for the content of the body section from the edge of the poster as well as from the edge of the main section.

Other Useful Options

These are found in typical RMarkdown documents but may be useful when generating a conference poster:

YAML Option Default Value Description
link-citations false Will make inline citations a clickable link which will direct the reader to the appropriate portion of the "References" section.
bibliography none File path to a .bib bibliography file if needed.
csl none File path to a .csl file which will change the citation style for the document, many options can be found at on the Zotero Styles Repository

Recommended Output Options

Here are the output options used in the template which allow for features such as mathjax and toggling numbered sections. If you want more information on these types of options please see the documentation from bookdown.

    self_contained: false
    pandoc_args: --mathjax
    highlight: espresso
    number_sections: false