This project is used to display the nearest train at a specific L stop, the nearest bus at the Bus Stops, Close By Divvy Bike station status and the latest Tweets from CTA. The project runs on a Raspberry Pi and the display used is the Waveshare 2.13inch e-Paper HAT.
The project runs on a Raspberry Pi 4b and the display used is the Waveshare 2.13inch e-Paper HAT.
The display shows the following information when the program is running:
- Station or Stop Name - example(s) being "Logan Square"
- Line & Destination of the train - example(s) being "Blue to O'Hare" & "Blue to Forrest Park"
- The arrival time of the nearest trains or buses - example being "7min, 16min"
- Create API access token on the CTA Transit Tracker developer site
- Create API access token on the CTA Bus developer site
- Create API access token on the Twitter developer site (You will need a Bearer Token, specifically)
- (You can opt to just use one, or a combination of different ones - but all three are recommended)
- Clone the repository on your Raspberry Pi with the following
git clone
- Change into the working directory of the cloned repository
cd ctapi
- Install the required dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a file named
in your directory with the following contentTRAIN_API_KEY = 'YOUR_TRANSIT_API_KEY'
HOME_LATITUDE = 'Enter your Latitude'
HOME_LONGITUDE = 'Enter your Longitude'
TWITTER_API_KEY = 'Bearer {Enter Your Key}'
- Enable the portions you want to use by changing False to True on the following lines:
- Train Tracker = Line 48
- Bus Tracker = Line 52
- Divvy Tracker = Line 58
- Tweet Lookup = Line 62
- Run the main program
- To change the station being displayed modify the Station/Stop Information in
with the station code(s) you want to use.Line 49, 52 and 55
- 'L' Station codes can be found on the following site from the City of Chicago's Data Portal.
- Bus Stop Codes can be found using the API or via the Route Information Page on the Transit Chicago site
- Divvy Station Codes can be found using the following site