Search github repositories, see star history over time, view recent activities and open issues in a glance.
As part of my learning journey I made this application in vanilla javascript and sass. I was wondering if it would be possible to see a history of stars of a github project and decided to make it myself. The github api is very extensive so many more features could be added. Eventually the goal was to have a good looking site that is fully responsive and which can be used in my portfolio.
No existing components are used. Everything has been made by myself.
With this project I demonstrate knowledge of the following things:
- ES6 javascript
- advanced modern CSS/Sass
- Webpack/parcel
- npm
- working with APIs
- building a responsive design
- ChartJS
- git
- Search github projects
- Chart of the programming languages used
- Chart of the start history
- Recent activities
- Recent Issues
- Fully responsive
- dark/light theme
I'm using an MVC architecture.
Install the required packages with npm install
and run with npm start
Make an env file in the root folder.
npm run build
- Javascript