Releases: bookdash/bookdash-android-app
🚀 Android 15 (API 35) Upgrade & Firebase Storage Refactor
What's New?
This PR modernizes the project by updating dependencies and ensuring compatibility with Android 15 (API 35) while improving image loading performance.
Changes & Improvements
✅ Upgraded project to target Android 15 (API 35).
✅ Updated Glide to the latest stable version for better image handling.
✅ Removed outdated com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-storage:6.1.0.
This was necessary due to incompatibility with API 35.
Since FirebaseStorageReference can no longer be used for loading images, a new approach was implemented.
New Utility Class: StringUtils
📌 Purpose: Converts gs:// Firebase Storage URLs into standard HTTP URLs for seamless image loading.
📌 Key Implementation:
public static String convertGsUrlToHttp(String gsUrl) {
if (gsUrl == null || !gsUrl.startsWith("gs://")) {
return null;
String path = gsUrl.substring("gs://".length());
try {
String encodedPath = URLEncoder.encode(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString());
return String.format("", encodedPath);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
Timber.tag("URLConversion").e(e, "Failed to encode URL");
return null;
Refactored Classes
The following classes were updated to use StringUtils instead of FirebaseStorageReference:
🔹 BookAdapter
🔹 DownloadsAdapter
🔹 BookInfoActivity
🔹 MyGlideModule
Why This Matters
🚀 Future-Proofing: Ensures the project stays compatible with the latest Android version.
⚡ Improved Performance: More efficient image loading without relying on deprecated Firebase UI components.
🔧 Code Maintainability: Uses a simple, reusable utility method for Firebase Storage URLs.
What's Changed
- 🚀 Android 15 (API 35) Upgrade & Firebase Storage Refactor by @mandivandermerwe in #67
Full Changelog: Release-2.9.3...Release-2.9.4
- Android 14: TargetSDK -> 34
- Gradle updates
What's Changed
- [Upgrade] Android Version 14 by @mandivandermerwe in #61
- [Upgrade] Android version 14 + App version update by @mandivandermerwe in #64
- [Upgrade] Android version 14 + App version update by @mandivandermerwe in #65
Full Changelog: Release-2.9.2...Release-2.9.3
Firebase, TargetSDK and bugs
- Firebase updates
- Crashlytics updates
- UI Updates
- Book download issue fixed
- TargetSDK -> 33
- Copyright 2023 Book Dash
Bug Fixes and Android X Upgrades
Android X Upgrades
Firebase Invite removal
Bug fixes
Including FIrebase Perf and updated libraries of things
Release-2.7.0 Finish Release-2.7.0
Finish Release-1.1.2
Added the ability to delete a download
Some UI Tweaks
Some bug fixes.
v1.0.12 - Side Navigation
Added ability to see downloaded books.
Added option to invite friends with Google Play Services Invites
Sharing of books added
Some bug fixes.
Fixed issue with Downloads
Download of books was causing issues if clicking the button twice.
Also up'ed the version of the parse library which fixes a couple of issues that I experienced.
Some UI Tweaks.