A mobile application built using React Native
- Download Youtube Playlists
- Download Mp3 in your Phone
- Offline Playing
- Next, previous, shuffle, and replay
We select sounds from music on playlists in your youtube account for now. To download them, we need a service. He might be a little heavy. To do this, you need to follow the service step and make sure that the device sends a request to the correct address.
git clone https://github.com/TPMinan/react-native-music-app
cd react-native-music-app
You can use the modem's ip address to connect to the service from the device. Like
# .env
npm install
npm start
react-native run-ios
The localhost
address for the Service may not work on Android. You can use ip or place names instead
react-native run-android
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Yes please! Feature requests / pull requests are welcome.