A web-based application that displays hollow 3D objects using pure WebGL without any libraries or frameworks. The website consists of several tool buttons to execute features such as object transformation (translation, rotation, scaling), changing projection types (orthographic, oblique, or perspective), camera radius, reset view, shader mode, saving and loading transformed models, animation, and a help menu. You can also rotate the camera by dragging your mouse inside the canvas.
- A web browser that supports WebGL, HTML5, and JavaScript
- Python to run a web server
- Clone this repository
- Open a terminal in the root of the repository and run the command
python -m http.server
- Open
in your browser
K01 - G20
- Ahmad Alfani Handoyo - 13520023
- Arik Rayi Arkananta - 13520048
- Flavia Beatrix Leoni A. S. - 13520051