This is a prototype of a PCB business card under $5 in which one can play a game and play a video. The project's complete,the code has no bitmap in it,meaning you have to add your very own bitmap for the animation.
- Play a video at 10fps
- Run a game (more on that below)
- Transmit NFC messages
- Look cool
- its a cube roaming around in void,symbolising neo in the matrix. while he roams,random messages in the interval 8 seconds display a message amoungst 100 messages.
- one of these 100 messages are displayed,this symbolises Morpheus trying to contact neo.
- the matrix has you,and there is nothing you can do,for you're a cube
i had to come up with a game idea that runs well in a esp-12f and i assume ive assumed what i wanted to do
what it basically does
- entered bitmap data cycles constatntly on a fps of 10
did so because, im afriad that the esp-12f may lag when given the operation to run the video exceeding 10 fps.The video can only be played in monochrome(white and black according to the parts used)