Finding connection with a human lens
- Product Owner: Josphine Eng
- Scrum Master: Julie Truong
- Development Team Members: Brian Kilrain
- Node 0.10.x
- Postgresql 6.1.x
- Webpack 1.13.x
POST /upload Request to upload a photo
GET /photos Request to get all of users photos
GET /stacks Request to get stacks from curator micro-service
POST /createPair Create a pair in the postgreSQL database
GET /getPairs Request to get the 5 most recently created pairs
GET /getRandStacks Request to curator to grab the 6 most recently created stacks for community view
In root folder run:
docker build -t app .
docker-compose up
- Use Postman to send POST request to
From within the root directory:
npm install
From within the root directory run webpack:
webpack -watch
From db/seeds directory:
Make sure postgres is running Drop database and create empty database
drop database app;
create database app;
Restart main server
Run seed.js using node
run node seeds.js
email: pw: 123
- If pushing to redis server, uncomment out the redis line. Note* this has not been tested.
- Upload training photos to S3
- naming convention: im1343.jpg... im1344.jpg
- In curator/routes.js -> set training counter to first image file number (line 16)
- Uncomment volume to trainingCorpus.json in yml file
- Send POST request to main-web-server/kickoffTraining with postman
- Copy and paste data in trainingCorpus.json in curator to trainingCorpus.json in simserver
See for contribution guidelines.