BitMart Exchange official Go client for the BitMart Cloud API.
- Provides exchange quick trading API
- Easier withdrawal
- Efficiency, higher speeds, and lower latencies
- Priority in development and maintenance
- Dedicated and responsive technical support
- Supported APIs:
- Supported websockets:
- Spot WebSocket Market Stream
- Spot User Data Stream
- futures User Data Stream
- futures WebSocket Market Stream
- Test cases and examples
go get -u
To reference the package in your code, use the following import statement:
import (
package main
import (
func main() {
client := bitmart.NewClient(bitmart.Config{})
// Get List of Trading Pairs
var ac, _ = client.GetSpotSymbol()
// Get Ticker of a Trading Pair (V3)
ac, _ = client.GetSpotV3Ticker("BTC_USDT")
// Get Ticker of All Pairs (V3)
ac, _ = client.GetSpotV3Tickers()
// Get Depth (V3)
ac, _ = client.GetSpotV3Book("BTC_USDT")
package main
import (
func main() {
var yourApiKey = "Your API KEY"
var yourSecretKey = "Your Secret KEY"
var yourMemo = "Your Memo"
client := bitmart.NewClient(bitmart.Config{
ApiKey: yourApiKey,
SecretKey: yourSecretKey,
Memo: yourMemo,
TimeoutSecond: 5,
// New Order(v2) (SIGNED)
var ac, err = client.PostSpotSubmitOrder(bitmart.Order{
Symbol: "BTC_USDT",
Side: "buy",
Type: "limit",
ClientOrderId: "",
Size: "0.1",
Price: "8800",
Notional: "",
if err != nil {
} else {
Please find examples/spot
folder to check for more endpoints.
package main
import (
func Callback(message string) {
fmt.Println("------------------------>" + message)
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
ws := bitmart.NewSpotWSClient(bitmart.Config{
WsUrl: bitmart.SPOT_WS_URL,
}, Callback)
// Ticker
ws.Send(`{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["spot/ticker:BTC_USDT"]}`)
// Kline
ws.Send(`{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["spot/kline1m:BTC_USDT"]}`)
// Trade
ws.Send(`{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["spot/trade:BTC_USDT"]}`)
// Depth
ws.Send(`{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["spot/depth5:BTC_USDT"]}`)
// Just test, Please do not use in production.
package main
import (
func Callback(message string) {
fmt.Println("------------------------>" + message)
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var yourApiKey = "Your API KEY"
var yourSecretKey = "Your Secret KEY"
var yourMemo = "Your Memo"
ws := bitmart.NewSpotWSClient(bitmart.Config{
WsUrl: bitmart.SPOT_WS_USER,
ApiKey: yourApiKey,
SecretKey: yourSecretKey,
Memo: yourMemo,
}, Callback)
// login
// 【Private】Balance Change
ws.Send(`{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["spot/user/balance:BALANCE_UPDATE"]}`)
// Just test, Please do not use in production.
Please find examples/spot/websocket
folder to check for more endpoints.
package main
import (
func main() {
client := bitmart.NewClient(bitmart.Config{
Url: bitmart.API_URL_V2_PRO,
// Get Contract Details
var ac, _ = client.GetContractDetails("BTCUSDT")
// Get Current Funding Rate
ac, _ = client.GetContractFundingRate("BTCUSDT")
// Get Futures Open Interest
ac, _ = client.GetContractOpenInterest("BTCUSDT")
// Get Market Depth
ac, _ = client.GetContractDepth("BTCUSDT")
package main
import (
func main() {
var yourApiKey = "Your API KEY"
var yourSecretKey = "Your Secret KEY"
var yourMemo = "Your Memo"
client := bitmart.NewClient(bitmart.Config{
Url: bitmart.API_URL_V2_PRO,
ApiKey: yourApiKey,
SecretKey: yourSecretKey,
Memo: yourMemo,
TimeoutSecond: 5,
// Submit Order (SIGNED)
var ac, err = client.PostContractSubmitOrder(bitmart.ContractOrder{
Symbol: "ETHUSDT",
Side: 4,
Type: "limit",
Leverage: "1",
OpenType: "isolated",
Size: 10,
Price: "2000",
if err != nil {
} else {
Please find examples/futures
folder to check for more endpoints.
package main
import (
func Callback(message string) {
fmt.Println("------------------------>" + message)
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
ws := bitmart.NewFuturesWSClient(bitmart.Config{
WsUrl: bitmart.FUTURES_WS_URL,
CustomLogger: bitmart.NewCustomLogger(bitmart.INFO, os.Stdout),
}, Callback)
// Just test, Please do not use in production.
package main
import (
func Callback(message string) {
fmt.Println("------------------------>" + message)
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var yourApiKey = "Your API KEY"
var yourSecretKey = "Your Secret KEY"
var yourMemo = "Your Memo"
ws := bitmart.NewFuturesWSClient(bitmart.Config{
WsUrl: bitmart.FUTURES_WS_USER,
ApiKey: yourApiKey,
SecretKey: yourSecretKey,
Memo: yourMemo,
}, Callback)
// login
// 【Private】Assets Channel
ws.Send(`{"action": "subscribe","args":["futures/asset:USDT", "futures/asset:BTC", "futures/asset:ETH"]}`)
// Just test, Please do not use in production.
client := bitmart.NewClient(bitmart.Config{
ApiKey: yourApiKey,
SecretKey: yourSecretKey,
Memo: yourMemo,
Through the bitmart.Config
configuration class, you can set the timeout period for http requests. If not set, the default is 30 seconds.
client := bitmart.NewClient(bitmart.Config{
TimeoutSecond: 5,
If you want to print out the request information, you can do so by setting the log level to DEBUG
client := bitmart.NewClient(bitmart.Config{
CustomLogger: bitmart.NewCustomLogger(bitmart.DEBUG, os.Stdout)
Can I write the log to a file? Of course you can. Here is an example of writing a file:
// Create a log file output
file, err3 := os.OpenFile("./custom_log.log", os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err3 != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to open log file: %v", err3)
defer file.Close()
client := bitmart.NewClient(bitmart.Config{
CustomLogger: bitmart.NewCustomLogger(bitmart.DEBUG, file)]
Other settings explained:
- os.O_CREATE: If the custom_log.log file does not exist, Go will automatically create it.
- os.O_WRONLY: The file can only be used for writing.
- os.O_APPEND: The newly written data will be appended to the end of the file without overwriting the existing data in the file.
- The last parameter 0666:
- It specifies the permissions for the newly created file.
- 0666 means the file's read and write permissions are: the owner, group, and other users can read and write the file.
You can add your own request header information here, but please do not fill in X-BM-KEY, X-BM-SIGN, X-BM-TIMESTAMP
client := bitmart.NewClient(bitmart.Config{Headers: map[string]string{
"X-Custom-Header1": "HeaderValue1",
"X-Custom-Header2": "HeaderValue2",
The bitmart API server provides the endpoint rate limit usage in the header of each response. This information can be obtained from the headers property. x-bm-ratelimit-remaining indicates the number of times the current window has been used, x-bm-ratelimit-limit indicates the maximum number of times the current window can be used, and x-bm-ratelimit-reset indicates the current window time.
x-bm-ratelimit-mode: IP
x-bm-ratelimit-remaining: 10
x-bm-ratelimit-limit: 600
x-bm-ratelimit-reset: 60
This means that this IP can call the endpoint 600 times within 60 seconds, and has called 10 times so far.
var ac, err = client.GetSpotV3Ticker("BTC_USDT")
if err != nil {
} else {