This is an example of how to use Searchlogic in a rails app. Searchlogic is simple searching, ordering, and pagination all in one plugin.
This application live:
Quick tutorial on how to build this application here:
Here are the files you want to glance at:
1. All of the controllers and their respective views 2. config/initializers/searchlogic.rb
First you need to install the Populator and Faker gems. You can do this by either using rails’ gems task
rake gems:install
or by installing the gems manually
sudo gem install populator
sudo gem install faker
After you have set up the gems and migrated your database you can generate the data:
rake db:populate
The populate task will create 8 user groups with 0 to 150 users each. Each user can have upto 7 orders. (see lib/tasks/populate.rb)
Copyright © 2008 Ben Johnson of Binary Logic, released under the MIT license