A REST api using Flask for managing/recording/polling i2c sensors and data on my Raspberry pi
- Get a raspi
- Enable i2c
- Stick an i2c muxer on bus 1 (I used a TCA9548A)
- Stick a SHT20 and others on the muxer!
To run the server:
- Install your db of choice (postgres used here). Create a DATABASE
- vi ~/.bashrc (or .bash_profile)
- add envars:
export FLASK_ENV=development
export JWT_SECRET_KEY=somesupersecretkeyshhhdontshare
export PORT=8080
- cd Garden
- python3 manage.py db init
- python3 manage.py db migrate
- python3 manage.py db upgrade
- python3 run.py
Ill document the API and i2c device interface later!
POST /garden/v1/users - create a user (auto assigned role = 1). api-token returned.
Expected Body:
"name": "Some Name",
"email": "email@google.com",
"password": "pAs5woRd",
GET /garden/v1/users - gets all users (only if role = 0)
Expected Headers:
api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json
GET /garden/v1/users/{INT} - Get user by id. Only own user accessable if role != 0
Expected Headers:
api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json
PUT /garden/v1/users/{INT} - Update user by id. Only own user accessable if role != 0
Expected Headers:
api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json
Expected Body:
"name": "Some Name",
"email": "email@google.com",
"password": "pAs5woRd",
DELETE /garden/v1/users/{INT} - Delete user by id. Only own user accessable if role != 0
Expected Headers:
api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json
GET /garden/v1/users/me - Get current user info.
Expected Headers:
api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json
POST /garden/v1/login - Login. api-token returned.
Expected Body:
"email": "email@google.com",
"password": "pAs5woRd",
POST /garden/v1/devices - Add i2c device
Expected Headers:
api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json
Expected Body:
"name": "Air Sensor",
"device_clazz": "SHT20",
"address": 64,
"bus": "1",
"mux_address": 112,
"mux_channel": 16
GET /garden/v1/devices/ - Get a list of all devices
Expected Headers:
api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json
GET /garden/v1/devices/{INT} - Get single device
Expected Headers:
api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json
PUT /garden/v1/devices/{INT} - Update device
Expected Headers:
api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json
Expected Body:
"name": "Air Sensor",
"device_clazz": "SHT20",
"address": 64,
"bus": "1",
"mux_address": 112,
"mux_channel": 16
DELETE /garden/v1/devices/{INT} - Delete device
Expected Headers:
api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json
GET /garden/v1/devices/{INT}/poll - Poll device
Expected Headers:
api-token <your-token-here>
Content-Type application/json