Run vercel build
. You probably need to link it to a new vercel-project.
The route /apidoc/[version].tsx fails on vercel when building.
[ ] info - Generating static pages (0/4)
Error occurred prerendering page "/apidoc/[version]". Read more:
Error: Minified React error #31; visit[]=%5Bobject%20Promise%5D for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
Seems like this is related to the "@sentry/nextjs"-package. Seems like Automatic Instrumentation in Sentry wraps this route as if it was an api, probably because it starts with "api".
- If you rename the file
to something like/pages/doc/[version].tsx
, the build passes. - If you set
autoInstrumentServerFunctions: false
in next.config.js