This tool allows you to decrypt the database from Dragonball Z: Dokkan Battle instantaneously rather than the current (known) method using pysqlsimplecipher which depending on your computers specs can take up to 5 minutes before a database has been decrypted.
pip install pysqlcipher3
Linux/Mac OS
pip3 install pysqlcipher3
In most cases, the above installation will work without an issue to install pysqlcipher3. Although, if you get an error during the process the other option is to manually install the module yourself;
Download the pysqlcipher3 repository and extract it
Open your terminal/command line and navigate to the folder you just extracted and type the following;
python install
Linux/Mac OS
python3 install
The decryptor has been written into a class so you're able to call it at anytime. It requires 3 arguments which can be found below;
- key: The decryption key used to decrypt the database
- output: The path/name of what/where you want the decrypted database named/placed
- database: The current location of the encrypted database
A sample decryption call would look like the following
from client import decryption
decryption("9bf9c6ed9d53...", "global_database.db", "/database/database.db").decrypt_database()